2018-2019 Catalog 
    Feb 15, 2025  
2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

BIO 220 - General Zoology

Credit Hours 5
Lecture: 3 Lab: 4
Zoology is the study of the diversity of invertebrate and vertebrate animals. The goals of this course are: (1) to examine the evolutionary mechanisms that lead to the diversity of animals on our planet; (2) to survey the animal kingdom by comparing the unique structures and functions that are used to classify organisms into major phylogenetic groups; and (3) to gain experience with these organisms in the laboratory. The laboratory portion of the course includes: examination of representative organisms using slides, specimens and dissections. Several internet assignments, behavioral experiments and field sampling of JJC’s natural areas are included whenever possible. Prerequisite: Minimum grade “C” in BIO 151  ; and placement into ENG 101  or minimum grade “C” in one of the following:  ENG 021  and ENG 099  ; ENG 022  and ENG 099  ; or the EAP course sequence ENG 079  and ENG 089  , or ENG 096  ; and placement into MATH 098  or higher, or minimum grade “C” in MATH 094  .
Is course repeatable for credit? No
Is this course variable hours? No
Mode of Delivery

Is this a Human Relations/Diversity Course? No