Feb 13, 2025
MC Catalog Copy Test - With Copy Attachments
BIO 251 - Human Anatomy and Physiology IICredit Hours 4 Lecture: 3 Lab: 2 A continuation of BIO 250 . Includes the endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. Laboratory portion of the course includes physiological experiments and anatomical studies using microscopes, models, preserved specimens, and a prosected cadaver. Practical for all students in medical and allied health fields desiring knowledge of the human body. Students who are pregnant or may become pregnant during the course of the semester are strongly advised to consult their doctor before enrolling in this course. Prerequisites BIO 250 with minimum grade of C. Placement into ENG 101 or minimum grade of “C” in one of the following: ENG 021 and ENG 099; or the EAP course sequence ENG 079 and ENG 089, or ENG 096; and placement into MATH 098 or higher or minimum grade “C” in MATH 094. Is course repeatable for credit? No Variable Hour Exist No Mode of Delivery Traditional, Hybrid Is this a Human Relations/Diversity Course? No Is this an International Course? No