Feb 19, 2025
MC Catalog Copy Test - With Copy Attachments
BUS 205 - Business StatisticsCredit Hours 4 Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 IAI Major Number BUS 901 This course includes the study of descriptive and inferential statistics as applied to business data sets with emphasis on inferential statistics from large and small samples. Topics studied are: averages, dispersion, skewness, probability and probability distributions, random variables, expected value, sampling, point and interval estimations, parametric and nonparametric tests, linear regression, and correlation. Students use microcomputer programs to calculate summary statistics and produce tabular and graphic display of business data. This course is designed to conform as a prerequisite for upper-division level courses in business statistics. Prerequisites MATH 150 , MATH 153 or MATH 170 Is course repeatable for credit? No Variable Hour Exist No Mode of Delivery Traditional Is this an International Course? No