MC Catalog Copy Test - With Copy Attachments 
    Feb 13, 2025  
MC Catalog Copy Test - With Copy Attachments

HIST 260 - History of the Middle East

Credit Hours 3
Lecture: 3 Lab: 0
IAI GECC Code S2 920N
An introductory survey of the Middle East (Southwest Asia and North Africa) history, religions, peoples, and cultures from the pre-Islamic era to the present. The course focuses on the rise and spread of Islam, the great pre-modern empires and their collapse under European pressures, reformists attempts to meet the European challenge, the age of colonialism, rise of nationalism, and the move toward independent states in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, “Pan-Arabist” and “Islamicist” ideologies, “the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, and the impact of Israeli and Palestinian nationalism.
Is course repeatable for credit? No
Variable Hour Exist No
Mode of Delivery Traditional
Is this an International Course? Yes