MC Catalog Copy Test - With Copy Attachments 
    Feb 13, 2025  
MC Catalog Copy Test - With Copy Attachments

HIST 290 - History of Africa

Credit Hours 3
Lecture: 3 Lab: 0
IAI GECC Code S2 920N
A survey of the history of Africa beginning from the rise of humankind, Ancient African complex societies and cultures, early global contact, to the periods of colonialism, decolonization, independence and the present. Students will learn about Africa’s position in global human history, the legacy of contact and migration specifically as it relates to the period of colonialism and decolonization, and the ideologies of African Nationalism and Pan-Africanism. Students will learn about distinct African countries from every major region (East, West, Southern, Central, North), as they exist in conversation with global history, and as independent entities. Students will learn about the difference in European colonial policies in Africa, such as extractive and settler colonialism, and understand the short- and long-term effects of colonialism on African countries to the present-day. Students will also understand the differences and commonalities in the regional and national independence and decolonization movements in Africa.
Is course repeatable for credit? No
Variable Hour Exist No
Mode of Delivery Traditional
Is this an International Course? Yes
Semesters Offered Fall, Spring, Summer