Feb 13, 2025
MC Catalog Copy Test - With Copy Attachments
ART 119 - Introduction - Renaissance to Modern ArtCredit Hours 3 Lecture: 3 Lab: 0 IAI GECC Code F2 902 A study of art from the 1400’s to the present time is designed to offer students an overview of major works in the history of Art and Architecture in the Western World from the late Medieval period through the 21st Century. The course will acquaint students with the basic vocabulary of the study of art history and will introduce the study of form in art and architecture as a component of understanding cultural history. In presenting interpretations of basic monuments of art history, ART119 also has the objective of exploring the scholarly debate that has shaped these interpretations. Prerequisites Not recommended for students who are required to enroll in ENG 020 and/or ENG 076/ENG 077, ENG 086/087, or ENG 098. Corequisites n/a Concurrent n/a Is course repeatable for credit? Yes Variable Hour Exist No Mode of Delivery Traditional, Online Is this a Human Relations/Diversity Course? No Is this an International Course? No Semesters Offered Fall, Spring, Summer