2016-2017 Catalog 
    Feb 10, 2025  
2016-2017 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

CA 140 - Work Experience

Lecture - Lab - Credit Hours: 0-40-3
In order to meet the requirements of this class, students must spend no less than 12 weeks of regular employment in an approved internship position in the hospitality or foodservice industry. Students will be required to prepare a final report summing up their experience, weekly journal entries and submit mid-term and end of semester employer performance evaluations. The student must complete a minimum of 225 hours in this internship position over the course of the semester. This equates to approximately 15 hours per week over the 15 weeks of the semester, or approximately 19 hours per week over the course of 12 weeks. If the student needs help in acquiring a position in the industry, the instructor will help to seek out an appropriate paid internship position. Only an internship position in a pre-approved establishment will be accepted for credit. This experience is meant to be an opportunity for the student to gain valuable work experience, knowledge and applied skills in a hospitality related internship position. Students must be aware that an internship follows the same commitment as a regular job in that you can be terminated at any time for poor performance, bad attitude, or unreliable attendance.