2010-2011 Catalog 
    Sep 17, 2024  
2010-2011 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services and Activities

Admissions Office

Students interested in learning more about JJC programs and opportunities will find the Admissions Office staff ready to answer questions and discuss any concerns. For more information or to submit an application, contact the Admissions Office at (815) 280-2493 or visit www.jjc.edu/info/admissions. See additional information on admissions in the Admissions Policies and Procedures  section of this catalog.

Registration and Records

The Registration and Records Office maintains student academic records and ensures students’ rights are protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The Registration and Records Office provides many services, including registration, course withdrawals, petition refund appeals, collecting and processing transcript requests, graduation, and verification requests. For more information, visit www.jjc.edu/info/records-transcripts. For special registration hours, visit www.jjc.edu/info/registration. See additional information on Registration and Records  in the Admissions Policies and Procedures section in this catalog.

Counseling and Advising

The Counseling Department offers a variety of services to students and prospective students. Professional staff with expertise in personal, vocational, educational, social-emotional, and crisis intervention provide services by appointment and on a walk-in basis during designated times. Orientation and registration sessions for new students are held at assigned times throughout the academic year.

Counselors are located in the Counseling Department (J-1037) at the Main Campus and at the Romeoville Campus (NC-01). For more information, contact the Counseling Department at (815) 280-2673 or visit www.jjc.edu/info/counseling. Academic advisers are located in various faculty offices throughout the Main Campus.

Educational Planning

Educational planning involves assistance in the identification of majors, transfer schools, course selection, and degree development toward students’ educational goals. Educational planning is done by appointment and helps the students in course selection and semester-by-semester planning toward successful completion of program and degree requirements.

Career Exploration

Assistance in exploring careers and related college majors is conducted by counselors in the Counseling Department. Individualized career counseling appointments that allow students to seek additional advice and planning are available through the Office of Career Services. Online assessments, personal and work values inventories, and occupational information are available to all students in their career decision-making pursuit.

Personal Counseling

Personal problems such as relationships with others, self-image, marital and family issues, situational stress, time management, and general coping strategies can be discussed by appointment or walk-in with the qualified counselors in the Counseling Department at Main Campus and Romeoville Campus. Agency referrals for continued counseling will be provided if the situation merits longer intervention or assistance.

Crisis Counseling

Immediate response counseling services designed to provide assessment and appropriate intervention strategies for students experiencing emotional or psychological crisis also are available. Students may self-refer or be referred by a faculty/staff member.

Academic Advising

Academic advising is provided by specially trained faculty in majors of their area of expertise. Students are provided with the list of advisers and are encouraged to meet with an adviser for course selection and educational planning if they have selected a major. Academic advisers also are helpful in identifying labor market trends, occupational opportunities, and schools for continuing education in the majors of their expertise. Students also may receive guidance from counselors in the Counseling Department.

Transfer Planning

Students interested in continuing their education at public or private senior colleges can work with counselors to help identify specific courses needed for their major and/or transfer institution. Counselors are knowledgeable about IAI (Illinois Articulation Initiative) approved degree programs including classes needed to complete the GECC (General Education Core Curriculum ).

Athletic Advising

Athletic advising is provided to all JJC athletes and incoming athletes. Services include degree planning, semester-by-semester course selection, exploration of transfer schools, and reverse transfer assistance. Services are provided by appointment or on a walk-in basis during designated times.

General Student Development Courses (GSD)

The Counseling Department offers college credit courses for college orientation, and career and lifestyle planning. Many GSD courses are transferable and count as electives for A.A. and A.A.S. degrees.

  • GSD 085 : College Preparation and Study Skills (2 hrs.) This course offers an introduction to the community college for students who score below college level reading and writing. Emphasis is placed on the skills necessary to succeed in college. Topics such as transition to college, self-discovery, and college survival techniques will be presented. This course is required for those students who test into the following courses on the ACT Compass placement test: ENG 020  and/or ENG 098  and MATH 090 .
  • GSD 100 : College Success (2 hrs.) This course is designed to facilitate the student’s transition to college life. Topics include college policies and procedures, time management, learning styles, study skills, note taking, memory and concentration, test taking, stress management and others. This course is highly recommended for all students and required for those students who test into the following courses on the ACT Compass placement test: ENG 021  and ENG 099  and MATH 090  (Students who successfully complete GSD 085  will not be required to take GSD 100 ).
  • GSD 110 : Career and Lifestyle Planning (3 hrs.) This course will assist students in choosing a college major or in making a career choice. Students will explore values, interests, personality, skills and will learn about the labor market. They will research career information and implement decision-making and goal-setting strategies to develop a career plan.
  • GSD 111 : Job Seeking Skills (1 hr.) This course provides the student with the tools and resources necessary to conduct an effective job search. Some of the topics include: job-search techniques, labor market information, resume writing, interviewing techniques and job survival skills. This course will utilize electronic and computer technologies.

For more information, contact the Counseling Department at (815) 280-2673 or www.jjc.edu/info/counseling.

Financial Aid


The goal of the Financial Aid Office is to enable access to higher education by providing college financial planning and quality customer service to students and families in pursuit of their educational goals. Joliet Junior College requires all students applying for grants, student employment, loans, and scholarships to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at www.fafsa.ed.gov. More information on financial aid can be found online at www.jjc.edu/info/financialaid.

Getting Started

Students must apply annually to receive financial aid. Financial aid can take many forms: grants, scholarships, student employment and loans. Follow these steps and guidelines:

  1. Complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid online at www.fafsa.ed.gov (this also applies for the Renewal FAFSA for students who have previously applied). A work copy may be printed from www.fafsa.ed.gov/before012.htm to be completed before entering official information online. FAFSA requires a personal identification number (PIN) assigned to the student by the U.S. Department of Education. To request a PIN, visit www.pin.ed.gov. Applicants should save the PIN for future access to their FAFSA information. Within two to four weeks a Student Aid Report will be sent to the student via mail or e-mail.
  2. Applicants must also complete the JJC admission process in order for the Financial Aid Office to complete the financial aid process.
  3. Print out and complete the JJC Financial Aid rights and responsibilities worksheet at www.jjc.edu/info/financialaid under the forms link.
  4. Students are required to take the Standards of Progress quiz and print out the results as a copy may be requested for the student’s file at www.jjc.edu/info/financial-aid-quiz.
  5. Apply for scholarships at www.jjc.edu/info/scholarships. Scholarship deadline dates are available on the JJC Web site.

The process DOES NOT stop here! Students will need to work directly with the Financial Aid Office to complete the process. Students applying for financial aid must have a completed file prior to the deadline dates posted in the Financial Aid Office or on the JJC Web site. Every student is responsible for being aware of these dates. Complete files include all supporting documentation requested by the Financial Aid Office. If a file is incomplete, the student will be responsible for adhering to the payment due date on the bill. The student’s file will still be processed, and if eligible for funds, will be reimbursed accordingly. NOTE: There will be a brief discussion on financial aid at group orientation and eRegistration sessions.

General Information

For the purpose of meeting federal and state student aid guidelines, the following criteria will apply to aid recipients:

  1. Credit hour load:
    1. 12 or more credit hours is considered full-time.
    2. 9-11 credit hours is considered 3/4 time.
    3. 6-8 credit hours is considered 1/2 time.
    4. Less than 6 credit hours is considered less than 1/2 time. Students do not qualify for most aid programs if enrolled in fewer than 6 credit hours.
  2. Class status:
    1. Students who have earned 1-31 credit hours are considered freshmen.
    2. Students who have earned 32 or more hours are considered sophomores.
  3. Academic requirements:
    1. Students receiving federal and state financial aid are continued or terminated from aid based upon academic requirements by these agencies. Financial aid policy may be different from institutional policy for this reason. Contact the Financial Aid Office for details.

Financial Aid Programs

There are a number of federal programs that can be determined by applying for aid by using the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).

  • Grants: Pell Grant eligibility is based on the expected family contribution as indicated on the results of the aid application. The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant is awarded based on student need and availability. The Academic Competitiveness Grant is awarded to those students who have had the required high school preparation and need, as determined by the FAFSA.
  • Work: The Federal Work-Study program on campus is available to students with aid eligibility. Students meeting the criteria for the America Reads/America Counts program may work off campus at elementary schools in the area. Students on academic probation are not eligible for work study.
  • Loans: Direct subsidized and direct unsubsidized loans are available to students. The federal direct plus loan may be used by parents to assist dependent students with the cost of their education.

The state of Illinois also has assistance programs for students attending college. The Monetary Award Program and the Illinois Incentive for Access Program are available for students in need.

Veterans who meet the Illinois residency requirements before and after their military service may be eligible for the Illinois Veteran Grant. The Financial Aid Office assists in processing other veteran grant programs.

Any student in good academic standing and enrolled in six or more credits may apply for a student worker position on campus.

Student Status: Students are classified as dependent or independent because federal student aid programs are based on the idea that students’ parents have the primary responsibility of paying for their children’s education.

You are an independent student if you are able to answer yes to one of the following:

  • Are you at least 24 years old based on being born before January 1987?
  • Are you married?
  • Are you a graduate or professional student?
  • Do you have children who receive more than half their support from you?
  • Do you have legal dependents who live with you and who receive more than half their support from you?
  • Are you a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces?
  • Are you currently serving on active duty other than basic training?
  • When you were age 13 or older, were both parents deceased, were you in foster care or were you dependent/ward of the court?
  • As of today, are you an emancipated minor as determined by a court in your state of legal residence?
  • As of today, are you in legal guardianship as determined by a court in your state of legal residence?
  • At any time on or after July 1, 2009, did your high school or school district homeless liaison determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless?
  • At any time on or after July 1, 2009, did the director of an emergency shelter program funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless?
  • At any time on or after July 1, 2009, did the director of a runaway or homeless youth basic center or transitional living program determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless or were self-supporting and at risk of being homeless?

Financial Aid Standards Of Progress

The Joliet Junior College Financial Aid Standards of Progress policy statements are designed to comply with Title IV Department of Education regulations. According to federal and state guidelines, students must maintain satisfactory academic progress in order to be eligible to receive and maintain financial assistance. Continuing students at JJC and students who are transferring from other schools must meet all criteria of the Financial Aid Standards of Progress policy each enrolled semester to be eligible for financial aid. This policy applies to all students applying for financial aid whether or not you received financial aid in the past. The minimum standards of progress are as follows:

  1. At the end of each semester, a student must have satisfactorily completed 66.66 percent of cumulative attempted hours, including transfer credits. Attempted hours include classes that a student receives a grade of F (failed), W (withdrawal), I (incomplete), and TE (time extended). If a student fails to meet the standards, he/she will be placed on probation. During the probationary semester, a student must attain the minimum standards or be terminated from receiving financial aid until suitable progress is made. Also:
  2. Students who have attempted credit hours that are in excess of 150 percent of their degree program’s required hours are immediately terminated and ineligible for Title IV aid. For example: for a 64 credit hour associates degree, 96 credit hours attempted are the maximum number of hours a student can take and maintain eligibility for financial aid. Students will be evaluated at the end of each semester to ensure progress toward a specified degree or eligible certificate. Also:
  3. A student must maintain an academic standing that is consistent with the graduation requirements for his/her program and must maintain a minimal grade point average as indicated in the following:
  Hours Attempted   Minimum Cumulative GPA  
  0-12   1.75  
  13-32   1.85  
  33-48   1.95  
  49-64   2.00  

 NOTE: If a student is not in accordance with one or more of the above requirements at the end of each semester, he/she will be placed on financial aid probation or termination. If placed on financial aid probation, a student will receive aid for one semester and will be sent written notice of his/her probationary status.

While on probation, if a student fails to comply with the standards for a second consecutive semester, the student will be terminated from financial aid. When terminated, a written notice of ineligibility will be mailed to the student along with a copy of the appeal procedures. If terminated, a student may appeal for reinstatement of his/her financial aid (see procedures below).

Developmental Courses (0-Level) are counted toward the total number of hours permitted under financial aid.

Reinstatement Procedures:

  1. A student must increase his/her GPA in accordance with the standards and must satisfactorily complete 66.66 percent of all credit hours attempted, including those semesters in which the student did not apply for and/or receive financial aid.
  2. Students may appeal their termination status to the Standards of Progress Appeal Committee in writing by the deadline noted in his/her letter. The mitigating circumstances (i.e., personal, medical, death in the family, etc.) and documentation of these circumstances must be submitted with an appeal letter. The decision of the Standards of Progress Appeal Committee will be final.

Withdrawal And Return Of Financial Aid Policy

Any class/withdrawals, additions, and/or changes at any time during the semester can affect students’ financial aid. Student should check with the Financial Aid Office for further information before changing their enrollment status.

Students not attending classes in which they have enrolled must be withdrawn. It is the student’s responsibility to officially withdraw from his/her classes. The Registration and Records Office at the Main Campus processes official withdrawals.

The Financial Aid Office is required to implement a Return of Title IV Aid for students who withdraw to zero hours and/or receive all Fs due to non-attendance after receiving Title IV aid. Title IV aid is comprised of the following federal financial assistance programs: Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, Academic Competitiveness Grant, and Direct Subsidized, Unsubsidized and Plus loans. The return formula is used to determine if the student and/or school must repay any amount of federal assistance. The withdrawal date is used to calculate aid eligibility. As a result of the return calculation, the student may owe a balance to the college. The balance must be paid before the student can register for future terms.

Veterans’ Education Benefits

The JJC Veterans Program was established in 1972. Its main objectives is to reach veterans, reservists/ guardsmen and dependents to make them aware of the educational benefits available at JJC through the Illinois Veterans’ Grant, Illinois National Guard Grant, MIA /POW Scholarship, and the Montgomery/911 GI Bill. The office provides information on each program and assists students with applying for and receiving their benefits. The term “veterans” refers to students eligible for and receiving VA Education Benefits and/or state of Illinois tuition assistance programs.

The office is located within the JJC Financial Aid Office, room J-1045. For more information on veterans’ education benefits at JJC, visit the Veterans page on the JJC Web site, stop by the office, or call (815) 280-2623.

Veterans’ Satisfactory Academic Progress

An evaluation is made at the end of each semester to determine a student’s progress. A student is considered to be making satisfactory progress if his/her grade point average complies with the following:

  Cumulative Credit Hours Attempted   Minimum Cumulative GPA  
  0-12   1.75  
  13-32   1.85  
  33-48   1.95  
  49 and above   2.00  

 NOTE: The first semester a student using veterans education benefits fails to meet these requirements, he/she is placed on probation and a written notice explaining this is mailed to him/her. A student on probation has one semester to comply with the minimum academic standards of progress listed above. If the student meets this, probation will be lifted.

If the student fails to comply with the set standards at the end of the probationary semester, the student will be placed on termination status, resulting in loss of eligibility for all state and federal benefits. A written notice of the termination status is mailed to each student affected. This notice includes a reminder of the on-campus support and counseling services available, as well a copy of the Veterans Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.

When a student is placed on termination status, JJC is required to notify the VA and suspend benefit certification until minimum standards are reached. JJC is also not allowed to bill the state of Illinois for Illinois Veterans Grant, Illinois National Guard Grant or MIA/POW Scholarship for a student’s tuition until the termination status is lifted.

Termination from use of benefits does not, however, mean termination from JJC.

Appeal Procedure: Students may appeal their termination status to the Standards of Progress Appeal Committee in writing. Forms are available in the Financial Aid Office for the appeal process. Supporting documentation must accompany the request.

Reinstatement Procedure: The student must increase his/her GPA in accordance with the standards listed above to be reinstated, or have his/her appeal granted by the Standards of Progress Appeal Committee.

Procedures For Use Of Benefits 

It is each student’s choice to use their Veterans Education Benefits each semester at JJC. After registering, the student must notify the JJC Veterans’ Office to request their benefits be processed. This can be done in person, by e-mail or by phone. Failure to do so can result in delay of processing time for benefits.

Montgomery/911 GI Bill Restrictions

The VA requires students to transfer in all prior college credits to their current school of attendance for evaluation. Students using MGIB must declare an approved degree or certificate as their major and only classes that meet the graduation requirements are certified for benefits. Additionally, if a student withdraws, either officially or by cessation of attendance, this must be reported to the VA and can result in an overpayment of benefits.

Career Services

The Office of Career Services serves students and alumni by providing resources to assist with career planning and employment needs.

Individualized career counseling appointments with professional career counselors help students identify personal interests, work values, skills, and personality traits that are valuable in the process of career decision-making.

Assistance in identifying employers is available to students seeking job shadowing, internship/co-op experiences or employment opportunities. Support is provided to help in the job search process, including resume/ cover letter writing, interviewing skills, information on labor market trends, how to market yourself, and other career resources. Employment opportunities are made available on the Career Services Web site (www.jjc.edu/info/careers) and through on-campus recruitment days and job fairs.

Student Employment

On-campus student employment opportunities are listed on the Career Services Web site (www.jjc.edu/info/careers). To be eligible, students must be enrolled in a minimum of six credit hours and may work up to 20 hours per week. As all open positions are posted for a minimum of three days, students should check the site daily for new positions. Complete details on the application process and eligibility requirements are available on the Career Services website.

Off-campus employment opportunities are also posted online. Students may search local area and Chicagoland job openings, as well as national opportunities.

Job fairs are held during the academic year to help students with part-time, seasonal, and full-time employment opportunities. For more information on job fairs and services, contact the Office of Career Services at (815) 280-2756, by e-mail at careers@jjc.edu, or visit www.jjc.edu/info/careers.

Disability Services/Student Accommodations and Resources (STAR )

The mission of StAR is to create an accessible environment where individuals are viewed on the basis of ability and not disability. StAR is the office designated by Joliet Junior College to provide ADA/504 accommodations. An orientation program, academic advising, study skills, and tutoring are available to students with documented disabilities.

JJC follows the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of an individual’s disability. Individuals with disabilities or those who feel they need classroom accommodations are encouraged to contact the StAR office at least one month before the start of classes to determine eligibility for appropriate academic support services.

The StAR program provides academic support to three student populations:

  • Students with documented physical disabilities, learning disabilities or health concerns.
  • Students whose first language is not English and are working towards English proficiency.
  • Students in career and technical majors who are at risk academically and need academic support to achieve a certificate or career/ technical degree (A.A.S.).

New students should identify themselves and request accommodations and support services by scheduling an appointment with the StAR Office. Students must furnish the StAR office with current documentation about the nature and extent of their disability. The information will be kept confidential and will be used to plan for appropriate accommodations and services. ACT COMPASS testing can be adapted to meet individualized needs (materials in Braille, large print or audio tape). Students with documented dyslexia may contact the StAR Office for further accommodations.

In addition to accommodations and services, StAR offers students the use of a wide variety of specialized equipment (Kurzweil Reading System with optical character scanner, FM Transmission System, computers with large print, speech output and video magnifiers). The StAR office works closely with the faculty and staff of other departments at JJC to ensure that the campus is physically, electronically and programmatically accessible to students with disabilities. Students are integrated into the mainstream of college life.

Students interested in requesting services should contact StAR at the earliest possible date to receive services. Students who would benefit from StAR services should:

  • Contact StAR for an appointment: Main Campus, J-2025 or (815) 280-2230.
  • Provide appropriate documentation of the disability
  • Request accommodations for the disability

Sign Language Interpreters, Taped Text And Large Print Textbooks

Early planning for accommodations and equipment is strongly encouraged. Availability of some services may be limited for students who request accommodations at the end of the registration process. Visit www.jjc.edu/info/star for more information. Students requesting sign language interpreters, taped-text or large print textbooks need to contact StAR six to eight weeks before classes start to ensure availability.

For special physical accommodations such as a desk that accommodates a wheelchair, notify StAR two weeks before classes start.

For more information regarding eligibility for services, accommodations and documentation, call (815) 280-2230 or visit www.jjc.edu/info/ star.

Disabled Student Parking

Special parking is available for students and visitors with disabilities who have a handicapped parking permit. There are more than 90 designated parking spaces located near the entrances of all college buildings. Permanent handicap parking permits are available through the Illinois Secretary of State’s office, or your local law enforcement agency. If a student has a temporary disability and needs handicap parking at JJC only, the student should obtain a temporary handicap permit request form from the JJC Police Department in room G-1013. This form should be filled out by the student’s doctor and returned to the JJC Police Department. A temporary permit will be issued for up to 90 days for campus use only.

Emergency Evacuations

The college has implemented an emergency evacuation plan. Visitors to the college who may need assistance in exiting the buildings during an evacuation should contact Campus Police for instructions or assistance.

Students with disabilities who may need assistance in exiting the building during an evacuation need to bring a copy of their class schedule to the StAR office at the beginning of each semester. Students who use wheelchairs or scooters or students who cannot use the stairs to exit the building during an evacuation should discuss their need for evacuation assistance with the StAR office or Campus Police. Fire drills are conducted every fall and tornado drills are conducted each spring at all Joliet Junior College campuses.

Office of Multicultural Student Affairs (OMSA)

The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs provides outreach, academic guidance, personal support, cultural resources, and leadership opportunities to enhance the educational experience and facilitate the academic and personal growth of underrepresented students.

OMSA seeks to increase enrollment and ensure optimal academic success, retention and graduation of underrepresented groups. OMSA supports diversity initiatives to enhance the college community in creating a diverse culturally inclusive environment. Services offered include:

  • Academic guidance and referral services
  • Advocacy and personal support for multicultural and underrepresented students
  • Transfer related services
  • Mentoring programs, i.e. Brother2Brother (B2B), Peer Mentoring
  • Cultural enrichment activities
  • Multicultural resources and contacts
  • Leadership development programs and conferences

For more information, contact OMSA (D-1010) at (815) 280-6709 or visit www.jjc.edu/info/omsa.

Tutoring Services

Students who believe they would benefit from tutoring services have several resources at Joliet Junior College.

Academic Skills Center

The Academic Skills Center offers free, in-person and online tutoring for over 30 subjects to all JJC students. Many free options are available both online and in-person for math and English ACT COMPASS review. Located in J-2013, you may call (815)280-2261 or e-mail academicskillscenter@jjc.edu for more information.

Learning English for Academic Purposes (LEAP)Center

The LEAP Center offers free tutorial assistance in reading, writing, speaking, and grammar skills to non-native English speakers. This service is available only to non-native English-speaking students. Located in B-2003, you may call (815) 280-2794 or email bcoley@jjc.edu for more information.

Math Learning Center

The Math Learning Center offers free math tutoring to all JJC students. Located in C-2019, you may call 815-280-2913 for more information.

Project Achieve (TRIO) Tutoring

Project Achieve (TRIO) offers free tutoring and other services to special populations within the JJC community; this service is not available to all JJC students. Located in H-1001, you may call (815) 280-2456 or email jdennis@jjc.edu for more information.

Speaking Center

The Speaking Center offers free help related to the development of presentations, outlines, research, practicing presentations, Power Point, and taping presentations; this service is available to all JJC students. Located in K-2004, you may call (815) 280-2339 or email loschahr@jjc.edu for more information.

Student Accommodations and Resources (StAR)

StAR offers free tutoring and other services to special populations within the JJC community; this service is not available to all JJC students. Located in J-2025, you may call (815) 280-2230 or email kstrysik@jjc.edu for more information. See Disability Services/Student Accommodations and Resources (StAR) section for more information.

Writing Center

The Writing Center offers free help with the various aspects of writing at the college level; this service is available to all JJC students. Located in C-2001, you may call (815) 280-2730 for more information.

Visit www.jjc.edu/info/tutoring for more information about all of these free tutoring services.

Testing Services

Academic Skills Center

The Academic Skills Center provides a variety of testing and tutoring services. Testing options include ACT COMPASS Placement testing (see the Admissions Policies and Procedures  section for more information), CLEP testing (see the Academics Policies and Procedures  section for more information), make-up testing, paper and pencil proctored testing for other institutions, and My Math Lab testing. A picture ID is required for all tests. Appointments are also required for all but ACT COMPASS Placement testing. For more information, contact the Academic Skills Center (J-2013) at (815) 280-2261, email academicskillscenter@jjc.edu or visit www.jjc.edu/info/academic-skills.

iCampus Testing Center

The iCampus Testing Center provides a proctored testing environment for online, blended and self-directed online courses. The iCampus Testing Center also administers the ACT certification tests and serves as an Illinois Virtual Campus Support Center. For more information, contact the iCampus Testing Center (J-4034) at (815) 280-2450, email iCampusTesting@jjc.edu or visit www.jjc.edu/info/icampus-testing-center.

Project Achieve

Student Support Services

The Project Achieve program is a federal grant-funded program designed to promote a positive academic atmosphere for eligible students. The goal of the program is to increase student retention and graduation rates and to assist students with their transfer to four-year institutions. This advisory, tutorial support service is located in H-1001. To learn more, please contact us at (815) 280-2456 or www.jjc.edu/info/project-achieve.

Support services are offered to eligible JJC students in the areas of English composition, mathematics, biological sciences, computer science and office systems. Study skills, career exploration, test-taking skills, technology workshops, and financial literacy are presented individually or in small groups to assure that first generation college students, who come from low-income families and/or are disabled receive intentional support in order to achieve their educational goals. Four-year college and university tours and multicultural activities are offered during the academic calendar year, which serve to connect students and encourage successful transfer planning.

Early Childhood Center

Childcare services are provided on the Main Campus for children three to five years old. The center is a licensed facility by the state of Illinois. Enrollment packets are available at the Early Childhood Center. All enrollment information and forms are available on the Web site and are downloadable in both Word and PDF format. The center is open Monday through Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. during the fall and spring semesters. Summer care is limited. To provide the greatest benefit to the children, we recommend children be registered for a minimum of two days per week and a minimum of two hours each day they attend. For more information, call (815) 280-2280, e-mail bcavanau@jjc.edu, or visit at www.jjc.edu/info/ecc.

Student Activities

Student Activities

Through the Office of Student Activities, more than 40 clubs offer numerous opportunities to become acquainted with other students, develop leadership skills and work with those who share similar interests. These clubs range from honorary to career-related to multicultural to special interest. Students may join an existing organization or form a new club.

In addition, OSA sponsors social (e.g. Welcome Week activities, concerts, entertainers), educational (e.g. Martin Luther King programs, study skills lectures, motivational speakers) and leadership programs and collaborates with other departments to offer a variety of programs for students. Programs for returning adult students are also offered. A monthly calendar of events and club meetings is available on the Web site, and around campus. For more information, call (815) 280-2308 or visit www.jjc.edu/info/osa.

Holistic Wellness

The Office of Holistic Wellness assists students in striving for healthy, safe, and productive lives. The office coordinates various activities on campus, including alcohol and other drug awareness programs, AIDS awareness programs, Wellness Week, stress management, wellness-related seminars, and other activities based on student needs.

The Office of Holistic Wellness also works with community agencies to provide volunteer opportunities for students and staff. For more information about any of the Wellness programs, contact the Office of Holistic Wellness at (815) 280-2202 or visit www.jjc.edu/info/holistic-wellness.

College Bowl

Considered the varsity sport of the mind, this academic team meets weekly to prepare for team competition in local and regional tournaments throughout the year.

Collegiate Club Council

This group serves as the coordinating body for all clubs on the JJC campus. CCC is comprised of a representative from each recognized club and determines which new groups shall receive official club status. CCC monitors club status, standards, and makes budgetary recommendations. A complete list of clubs and their descriptions can be found in the Student Handbook.

Student Government

This group’s focus is on student issues and serves as the liaison between the administration and the student body in matters of concern from either group. Members of the group serve on several standing committees across the institution, such as academic standards, technology advisory committees, diversity, enrollment management and others.

Student Trustee

Elected annually in the spring by the student body, this student serves on the college’s Board of Trustees as its student member. The student trustee attends monthly board meetings and workshops and disseminates information to the student government as necessary as a member of that group. The student trustee vote is documented in Board materials, but it is not counted in matters of official business.


The Office of Student Activities is responsible for the application process for several scholarships, including the student leadership scholarship, student government book scholarship, student commencement speaker, and student service recognition award. Students who are involved in clubs or who participate in community service could be eligible for awards based on their participation and status as a student. Applications for these scholarships can be found online at www.jjc.edu/info/scholarships.

Field Trip Policy

Students who have secured prearranged approvals shall not be marked absent for participating in a college-sponsored trip, and they shall have full academic makeup privileges.


Athletics are a vital part of the college and provide experiences that will enhance the development of men and women physically, mentally, socially and emotionally. Participating in an athletic program as a player and a spectator is an important part of a student’s educational experience. The player’s conduct and play will represent the college, the team, the student body and the community. Athletic experience provides opportunities for the student to be a better person and citizen by contributing to the knowledge, skill and emotional patterns that he/she is already establishing.

The JJC Wolves have gained national recognition for their successes, including national championships in football, basketball and baseball. The tradition at Joliet Junior College has been to win and to do so with honor for the sake of the athletes, the college and the community. Athletic teams at JJC are:

  • Fall: men’s football, women’s volleyball, men’s and women’s soccer, men’s and women’s cross-country, football cheerleading.
  • Winter: men’s and women’s basketball, basketball cheerleading
  • Spring: men’s baseball, women’s softball

Athlete Retention

All current and incoming JJC student athletes are encouraged to contact the student-athlete retention specialist, who works to improve academic success and retention of student-athletes at Joliet Junior College.

The student-athlete retention specialist offers support by providing guidance to athletes transferring to four year schools, tracking student progress while working as a liaison between athletic teams and professors, and assisting reverse transfers entering JJC. The retention specialist also collaborates with the Counseling Department to assist athletes with appropriate class selection.

Through the retention specialist, athletes are notified of workshops, study sessions, tutoring opportunities and other services on campus that by be beneficial to their academic success. Services are offered by appointment or on a walk-in basis. For more information, contact the student-athlete retention specialist at (815) 280-2263.

Office Of The Dean Of Students

The Office of the Dean of Students is responsible for student health insurance, student assistance program - life skills sessions, photo ID services, student publications, residence life, student activities, assisting students with the complaint process, and the college’s student code of conduct and academic honor code. All students are expected to read and understand their rights and responsibilities outlined in the student code of conduct, academic honor code and the student complaint process.The codes are designed to protect the integrity of the campus learning environment. For more information contact the Office of the Dean of Students at (815) 280-2761 or view the documents online at www.jjc.edu/info/students.

Student ID Card

A photo ID is available for all credit students after completion of semester registration. Student ID cards are the preferred source of photo identification at JJC. Students are required to carry some form of photo identification at all times when on campus. The ID is available throughout the semester outside the Dean of Students Office (D-1010) at the photo ID services desk.

New Students: To obtain an ID, you must bring a printed current semester schedule with your student ID number appearing on it and a driver’s license or State ID.

Current Students: ID cards are updated each semester with a validation sticker. You must present your current semester schedule with your student ID number on it. Semester validation will begin at the start of the new semester session.

The first issue is at no charge. Replacement of an ID that is lost, stolen or damaged is $10.00.

  Joliet Junior College Services Type of ID Required
  Library JJC ID card
  Cyber Café JJC ID card
  College events/activities JJC ID card
  Book purchase if on financial aid Photo ID (JJC photo ID, driver’s license or State ID)
  CIS labs Photo ID (JJC photo ID, driver’s license or State ID)
  JJC Transcript pickup Photo ID (JJC photo ID, driver’s license or State ID)
  COMPASS, Telecourse, makeup testing Photo ID (JJC photo ID, driver’s license or State ID)

Student Health Insurance

Any credit student with six or more credit hours at JJC is eligible to purchase college student health insurance, depending on the health insurance plan. Currently, there are two insurance providers to choose from. The student’s spouse and/or eligible dependants are also eligible if the student is covered, at an additional cost. Premiums are paid directly to the insurance company. Pamphlets with more information on how to contact the insurance company are available through the Dean of Students Office (D-1010). JJC provides this information as a convenience, but does not endorse any particular plan.

Student Assistance Program: Life Skills

The Student Assistance Program: Life Skills sessions are designed to assist students with personal challenges affecting their academic and personal goals. Group sessions on various topics are available free of charge to students of the college. All students are welcome to use these resources. Some students may be referred to the programs by faculty or staff. The programs are led by counselors and professional staff. Topics include anger management, healthy relationships, conflict resolution, stress management, marijuana, alcohol, addictions, grieving, stopped by cops, sexual responsibility and ethical decision making. Some sessions are offered online through iCampus. For more information or to register, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at (815) 280-2759.

Student Publications

Student publications at JJC include the Blazer (student newspaper) and the Wordeater (student literary magazine). Both represent student life, action, and opinion through print media. Financed by student activity fees and advertising revenue, student publications are distributed to full- and part-time students at no additional cost. Students working on publications are given an outlet for developing their creativity and originality in a vast range of fields from writing to photography, in addition to the business operation of each publication. Information about both publications is available on the college’s Web site at www.wordeater.org or www.jjc.edu/blazer. All students are invited to join in an experience that will be enjoyable and beneficial to all.


Located adjacent to the JJC Main Campus at 1524 Centennial Drive, Joliet, Centennial Commons combines apartment-style housing and a student-centered community that contributes to personal development and academic success.

Centennial Commons offers two- and four-bedroom apartments. Apartments modified to accommodate residents with mobility impairments are also available. Each fully-furnished apartment includes a refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher and garbage disposal.

This community offers the independence of apartment living, high quality accommodations, and convenient access to all the benefits that JJC has to offer. In order to reside at Centennial Commons, students must pass a criminal background check, have at least 2.0 GPA/4.0 scale from previous academic institution, and maintain a minimum semester GPA of 2.0. Failure to maintain the GPA will result in void of lease agreement and eviction from property. For more information, call (815)730-1020 or visit www.jjc.edu/info/student-housing.

Campus Police

The Joliet Junior College Campus Police Department is staffed by officers who are fully sworn and commissioned by the state of Illinois. These officers have full power to make traffic stops and issue traffic tickets, as well as the power of arrest for violations of the Illinois Compiled Statutes. Campus safety officers and student workers assigned to the police department assist with security, as well as vehicle lockouts and safety escorts to vehicles upon request.

The Campus Police Department and Dispatch Center is located in room G-1013. For more information on police department services, refer to the police department information booklet, call (815) 280-2234, or visit www.jjc.edu/info/campus-police.

Important Policies And Procedures

Student Code Of Conduct

All students at JJC are expected to demonstrate qualities of integrity, fair-mindedness, honesty, civility, tolerance and respect. These values are important to the learning environment and are expected to be exhibited in the conduct of the entire college community, both in and out of the classroom setting. JJC recognizes the rights of its students guaranteed by the Constitutions of the United States and the State of Illinois, which include a student’s rights within the institution to freedom of speech, inquiry, assembly, peaceful pursuit of an education, and reasonable use of services and facilities of the college.

In the interest of maintaining civility on campus and guaranteeing the broadest range of freedom, students must comply with the college’s student code of conduct, which reasonably limits some activities and reasonably prohibits certain behavior which could interfere with the classroom setting, the orderly operation of the college, and the pursuit of the college’s goals and core values of respect, integrity, collaboration, humor and well-being, innovation and quality. In addition to the code, students must also recognize and comply with the standards of classroom behavior as stated in their individual course syllabi. Further, students must understand that acts of violence, threats of violence and theft are considered a serious infringement upon the learning environment and will result in a severe sanction.

Each student is responsible for reading and complying with the student code of conduct and the academic honor code, which is made available in the college catalog, student handbook, JJC Web site and as a separate publication through the offices of the Vice President for Student Development (J-2053), the Dean of Students (D-1010) and Campus Police (G-1013).

The college further recognizes each student’s procedural right to due process, which includes providing notice setting forth the alleged violation(s), and a speedy and fair hearing and appeal process. Any member of the college community can initiate an accusation of an alleged violation. If a student is accused and cited for an alleged violation, he or she will receive notice of the alleged violation.

Academic Honor Code

Joliet Junior College acknowledges the importance of honest academic behavior. The objective of the academic honor code is to sustain a learning-centered environment in which all students are expected to demonstrate integrity, honor, and responsibility, and recognize the importance of being accountable for one’s academic behavior.

Acts of academic dishonesty include:

  • Cheating: intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information or study aids; use of any unauthorized assistance, resources, materials or electronic/cellular devices with or without photographic capability in taking quizzes, tests or examinations and the acquisition, without permission, of a test or other academic material belonging to Joliet Junior College, to any department, or to any staff.
  • Plagiarism: the reproduction of ideas, words or statements of another person as ones’ own without acknowledgment, or use of an agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials.
  • Unauthorized collaboration: intentionally sharing or working together in an academic exercise when such actions are not approved by the course instructor.
  • Falsification and fabrication: intentional and unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation furnished to any college official, faculty member or office.
  • Facilitation of academic dishonesty: permitting or attempting to help another to violate the academic honor code; alteration or sabotage of another student’s work, such as tampering with laboratory experiments.

Student Complaint Procedure

JJC promotes an open educational environment, rich in values and designed to protect the integrity of teaching and learning. In that spirit, the college encourages all students to first direct their complaints and concerns to the faculty, staff, or administrator specifically involved.

The college believes many complaints can be resolved through an open, honest dialogue between the persons involved. In cases where that may not be possible, the JJC student complaint procedure can assist in facilitating a resolution. Other than grade appeal, a complaint that challenges the decisions or actions of college personnel will be considered under this procedure. Information can be attained through the Office of the Dean of Students at www.jjc.edu/info/students.

Other Procedures Regarding Concerns

  1. Academic grade appeal concerns: refer to student grade appeal procedures. For more information contact the academic department dean.
  2. Academic honor code violations: refer to the Dean of Students or check online for the current procedure at www.jjc.edu/info/students.
  3. Non-academic complaints: refers to incidents of unprofessional behavior, harassment, discrimination, and other complaints that are not of an academic grade concern. Contact the office of the Dean of Students.
  4. Sexual harassment: refer to Board Policy 2.2.2, Sexual Harassment or visit the office of the Dean of Students for assistance with forming a complaint.
  5. Americans with Disabilities Act: refer to Board Policy 8.4.3, Americans with Disabilities Act or visit the Office of Student Accommodations and Resources.
  6. Affirmative action: refer to Board Policy 8.4, Equal Employment Opportunity or visit with the Office of Human Resources.

Students should make every attempt to pursue concerns in a timely manner and should be reported within 30 calendar days.

Policy On Freedom Of Expression And Campus Demonstrations

Joliet Junior College is committed to providing educational and work climates that are conducive to the personal and professional development of each individual. In fulfilling its multiple educational missions as an institution of higher learning, JJC encourages the free exchange of ideas. The college will protect the rights of freedom of speech, expression, petition and peaceful assembly as set forth in the U.S. Constitution. JJC maintains its right to regulate reasonable time, place and manner restrictions concerning acts of expression and dissent. Any acts that are disruptive to the normal operations of the college, including classes and college business, or invades the rights of others, will not be tolerated. Faculty, staff and students engaging in such activity may be subject to disciplinary action. Any participant in such activity, regardless of possible affiliation with the college, also may face criminal charges.

Students or student groups requesting use of the free speech area should contact the director of student activities to reserve the space. Hours of use for the free speech area are the normal hours of operation at the Main Campus. Board Policy 3.11 (1) revised 1/2007 provides the specific requirements for use of the free speech area. Free speech bulletin boards are located in the A-Concourse and J-Building (cafeteria) on the Main Campus.

Information On Alcohol And Drug Abuse

The use of alcoholic beverages and illegal chemical substances is a concern on college campuses. All students need to know about the following regarding the use of drugs and alcohol:

Health Risks

  1. Altered mood, behavior, breathing and heart rate
  2. Distorted senses of sight, hearing, touch, body images, and time
  3. Staggering, stumbling, slurred speech, drowsiness or sleeplessness
  4. Addiction

Beyond the physical effects of drugs and alcohol, there is also the risk that abuse may lead to impaired learning, violence, injuries, accidents, drunk driving, acquaintance rape, unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.

Available Resources

Treatment, rehabilitation or reentry programs can be obtained at:

  • Provena St. Joseph Medical Center, 333 N. Madison St., Joliet, Ill. 60435, (815) 725-7133
  • Silver Cross Hospital, 1200 Maple Road, Joliet, Ill 60432, (815) 740-1100
  • Life Works/Chemical Dependency, 404 Boughton Road, Bolingbrook, Ill 60440, (630) 759-5750 or 1611 W. Jefferson, Joliet, IL 60435, (815) 730-7521.

For more information, consult your physician, JJC Holistic Wellness or the Will County Health Department.


Board policies on student conduct that refer to drugs and alcohol state that the following conduct will be subject to disciplinary action.

  1. The sale, possession, use or distribution of any narcotic, drug, marijuana, or other addictive or hallucinogenic substance, except as permitted by law.
  2. The possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages on campus or at any off-campus activity by those who do not meet minimum age established by state law.

Violators will be subject to disciplinary action that could lead to suspension or dismissal. Every effort will be made to assist the person to seek help for his/her problem.

Legal Ramifications

State and federal penalties for possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol vary a great deal depending on the amount, type and what offense it is. In accordance with the Drug- Free School and Communities Act of 1989 (20 U.S.C.S 5145, Public Law 101-226), Joliet Junior College has enacted a specific policy (III 3.14.)*

Drug-Free Schools And Communities Act Rules

  1. Definitions
    1. The term “student” is defined as any person who is taking/attending any credit or non credit class facilitated by Joliet Junior College.
    2. The term “employee” is any full or part time employee of the college.
    3. The term “controlled substance” is used as defined in the Federal Controlled Substances Act and the Illinois Controlled Substances Act.
    4. The term “college property” is defined as any property or buildings owned, leased or controlled by the college whether on or off campus.
    5. The term “college activities” shall include all on campus functions as well as any off campus function sponsored by the college, such as officially sanctioned field trips, athletic events, social activities and professional meetings attended by college employees.
    6. The term “illicit alcohol” is defined as alcoholic liquor, which is possessed, used or distributed in violation of federal, state or local laws or college regulations.
  2. Standards of Conduct
    No student, employee or visitor shall:
    1. Possess, distribute or use, any controlled substance or any substance containing cannabis, in violation of the Federal Controlled Substances Act, the Illinois Controlled Substance Act or the Cannabis Control Act on any college property or at any college activity.
    2. Possess distribute or use any alcoholic liquor on any college property or at any college activity, regardless of their age, unless specifically authorized by the Office of the President.
  3. Statement of Sanctions
    1. Students: Discipline for violating the standards of conduct set out in Section II, will be governed by college regulations and the student Code of Conduct, up to and including expulsion. Additionally, violators may be charged criminally under federal, state or local laws and ordinances.
    2. Employees: Discipline for violating the standards of conduct set out in Section II, will be governed by the college’s employee disciplinary policies and rules, up to and including termination. Additionally, violators may be charged criminally under federal, state or local laws and ordinances.
    3. Visitors: Violations of the standards of conduct set out in Section II, may result in criminal charges under federal, state or local laws and ordinances.
  4. Possible Legal Sanctions:
    1. Alcohol
      Possession under 21:
      Class B misdemeanor
      Up to six months in jail
      Up to $1,500 fine

      Class A misdemeanor
      Up to one year in jail
      Up to $2,500 fine

      Open in Vehicle:
      Class A misdemeanor
      Up to one year in jail
      Up to $2,500 fine
    2. Cannabis / Marijuana
      Up to Class one felony
      Up to 15 years in jail
      Up to $25,000 fine
      Up to Class X felony
      Up to 30 years in jail
      Up to $25,000 fine
    3. Controlled Substances
      Includes any substance controlled under the Illinois Controlled Substances Act or similar federal statutes. These include cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, amphetamine, LSD, anabolic steroids, opiates, ketamine, PCP, methaqualone, pentazocine, ecstasy, barbiturates, peyote, hallucinogens, morphine, prescription drugs not prescribed to the holder and any look-alike substances.

      Possession: *
      Up to Class X felony
      Up to 50 years in jail
      Up to $250,000 fine

      Up to Class X felony
      Up to 50 years in jail
      Up to $250,000 fine

* Penalties may be dependent on amounts possessed and prior convictions. Penalties may be enhanced for possession or sale on or near college properties. Convictions may result in loss of Federal Financial Aid and other federal benefits.

Chronic Communicable Diseases

Students with chronic communicable diseases may attend college through reasonable accommodation whenever the risk of transmission of the disease and/or the risk of further injury to the student is sufficiently remote in such setting so as to be outweighed by the detrimental effects resulting from the student’s exclusion from college. The determination of whether a student with a chronic communicable disease may attend college shall be made in accordance with Section II of the Board Policy (Board Policy III 3.17).

Smoking Regulations

The use of tobacco products, both smoking and smokeless, is prohibited in all buildings owned by the college, within all spaces leased by the college, in all college-owned vehicles, and all other areas designated by the college president. Alternative smoking-permitted areas will be identified by the president (Board Policy IX 9.9).

Student Right To Know Campus Crime Legislation

Federal legislation requires the dissemination of information concerning the student right to know and campus crimes. Annual crime statistics are available in the JJCPD informational booklet, student handbook and at www.jjc.edu/info/campus-police.

Sexual Harassment

Illinois Human Rights Act defines sexual harassment in higher education as any unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors made by an executive, administrative staff or faculty member to a student, or any conduct of a sexual nature exhibited by such person(s) toward a student, when such conduct substantially interferes with the student’s educational performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational environment. Whether the conduct is explicit or suggested, it is prohibited if submission to or rejection of such conduct is a basis for determining admission, required or expected educational performance, attendance requirements, coursework, placement, quality of instruction, tuition or fees, scholarship opportunities, extracurricular participation, grades, successful completion of coursework, or degree received.

Joliet Junior College seeks to foster a community environment in which all members respect and trust each other. In a community in which persons respect and trust each other, there is no place for sexual harassment. JJC has a strong policy prohibiting the sexual harassment of one member of the college community by another.

Sexual harassment or misconduct which includes any unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors or any conduct of a sexual nature including: a. Deliberate touching of another’s sexual parts without consent; b. Deliberate sexual contact of another without consent; c. Deliberate constraint or incapacitation of another, without that person’s knowledge or consent, so as to put another at substantially increased risk of sexual injury; d. Any sexual act that occurs without the consent of the victim, or that occurs when the victim is unable to give knowing consent due to drug or alcohol intoxication or mental incapacity; e. Obscene or indecent behavior, which includes, but is not limited to, exposure of one’s sexual organs or the display of sexual behavior that would be reasonably offensive to others; f. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that expressly or implicitly imposes conditions upon, threatens, interferes with, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or demeaning environment for an individual’s (I) academic pursuits, (II) college employment; (III) participation in activities sponsored by the college or organizations or groups related to the college, or (IV) opportunities to benefit from other aspects of college life.

Students of JJC need not submit to sexual harassment. It is recommended that victims do the following:

  • Try to stop the behavior by telling the offender clearly and directly that it is unwelcome and offensive to you and that you want it to stop at once.
  • Get help from others if you find it difficult to confront the offender directly. Staff members in the Counseling Center or Dean of Students Office can help you to analyze the situation and determine the best way to say no.
  • Write down what happened, including time, place and the names of possible witnesses.
  • Talk with others who may have been treated in a similar way. Find out if they would be willing to support you in any action you might take to get the behavior stopped.
  • Report the problem to the vice president of student development or the dean of students. You may report the problem at any time after you believe that you are the victim of an act of sexual harassment. Although doing so may be helpful, you need not confront the alleged harasser, seek counseling or other assistance, prepare a written statement, or identify witnesses before reporting the problem to the vice president of student development or the dean of students.
  • If you believe that the vice president of student development committed an act of sexual harassment, you should report it to the President’s Office, not to the vice president of student development. Although JJC encourages students to take formal action against sexual harassers, talking to college staff, including the vice president of student development or the dean of students about harassment does not obligate you to file written charges of sexual harassment or initiate a college investigation of the charge.

Board policy forbids any retaliation against individuals who report sexual harassment.