2015-2016 Catalog 
    Oct 06, 2024  
2015-2016 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Department of Adult Education and Literacy (DAEL)


Department of Adult Education and Literacy (DAEL)

For the purpose of compliance with Section 111 of Public Law 101-166 (The Stevens Amendment), approximately 30% federal funds are used to offer these classes and programs.

In keeping with the college’s mission, the Department of Adult Education and Literacy provides the tools, resources, instruction and support necessary for students in the JJC community to achieve their individual, academic and employment goals.

DAEL is the primary provider of adult education instruction, support, and transition programs and services for adults 16 years and older who have not completed high school, who need to brush up on reading, writing, or math skills for further education/training, and/or who are not native English speakers/writers. Programs and services include:

Instructional Programs

GED Preparation /Review Course - The GED test preparation course includes instruction in and a review of each GED test subject (reading/ writing, social studies, science and math). Specific test-taking strategies and connections to higher-level education and career training are included, along with tips for overcoming test anxiety. Free professional tutors are available for individual and small-group appointments and support services are available. Individuals who pass the GED test are invited to participate in an annual graduation ceremony.

GED Constitution Review - Prepare to pass the Illinois and U.S. Constitution test requirements for the GED. This review is available in class or online and is recommended for adults who have registered for the GED test, and those who have previously attempted but not passed the Constitution test.

i-Pathways (GED Online) - i-Pathways is an Internet-based, instructor facilitated instructional program that may be utilized as a stand-alone program or may be combined with traditional classroom instruction to help prepare students for the GED test. i-Pathways students must qualify for the program via reading and math assessment. i-Pathways students are assigned to an instructor who reviews all submitted lessons, provides comments/feedback and guidance and monitors students throughout the program.  i-Pathways is offered as a distance-education option for students who lack transportation or child care or whose work or other schedule prevents regular classroom attendance.

Adult High School Diploma Program/Early School Leaver Transition Program - Qualified adults over 16 years of age who have left high school prior to graduation are assisted in meeting the requirements for obtaining their high school diplomas. High school transcripts and an agreement with the high school are required. At intake, the student must provide a written letter/document indicating that he/she does not intend to return to high school. Instruction is offered as supervised independent study. Weekly meetings are scheduled with the instructor to submit completed coursework and take quizzes and tests, etc. The Early School Leaver Transition Program is offered under the Adult High School Diploma Program, and may require additional documentation and approval from the student’s high school in order to enroll.

Adult Basic Education and Pre-GED - The Adult Basic Education and pre-GED classes are designed for out-of-school youths and adults who are experiencing difficulties with reading, writing, math and/or problem solving, as well as students with special learning needs, including limited English proficiency. Students are individually assessed from basic literacy to the eighth-grade level and monitored for progress into GED-level courses. Basic skill and adult basic education classes offer small class sizes, computer-assisted instruction, and individual or classroom tutors.

English as a Second Language - The English as a Second Language program assists individuals who need to improve their English skills for academic, employment, professional, or personal purposes. Six levels of instruction (literacy/beginning through advanced) are offered. Students are placed according to levels via standardized skills assessments. Instruction is offered four to 12 hours per week. Integrated skill modules focus on listening, speaking/pronunciation, reading/vocabulary, and writing/grammar.

United States Citizenship - Free citizenship courses for adults prepare individuals to take the test for U.S. citizenship. The course is based on current written and oral questions and includes modules in U.S. history and government, the U.S. Constitution, customs, citizenship rights and responsibilities, and preparing for the citizenship interview and exam. Assistance with completing the citizenship application is also provided by trained staff.

Support Services

Student Assessment and Accommodations Center - The Student Assessment and Accommodations Center is the entry point for adult education students. Assessment and accommodations staff members provide professional assessment, orientation and placement in appropriate adult education classes and programs. Trained professionals also provide appropriate accommodations for special needs students. Services include:

  • Basic skills and English literacy assessment
  • GED preparation/practice testing and assessment
  • Individualized/small-group tutorial services
  • Computer-assisted instruction
  • Student Achievement in Reading, a national evidence-based program designed to help struggling readers overcome barriers so they can progress to advanced levels of instruction
  • Goal-setting and education and training plan development

College and Career Transitions Center - Trained advisers assist qualified adult education students in making successful transitions to postsecondary education, career training and/or employment. The transition process begins with career exploration and research and continues through appropriate course/program selection, financial aid applications, registration and/or employment readiness and job search. Careers in areas of high employment demand are highlighted, along with an appropriate career path for individuals to begin. Services also include the college’s COMPASS placement test administration and advising and assistance from professional tutors to prepare for the COMPASS test and/or GED Test. Call (815) 280-1354 for more information.

ESL Advising and Transition Services - Advanced ESL students are assisted in transitioning to basic skills courses and/or college preparation courses and are provided assistance with advanced course selection and program planning. Advisers work with students to plan a program of study to meet individual needs and goals beyond ESL-specific programming.

Adult Volunteer Literacy Program - Trained volunteer tutors are available to assist adults, ages 16 years and older, who need assistance with reading, writing, and/or English language skills. Tutors are available to meet with individual students, with small groups, an/or in literacy level or basic skills classes.

Volunteers who wish to conduct one-on-one, small group or classroom tutoring also receive training through the Volunteer Literacy program. Twelve hours of initial training are scheduled. Volunteers are placed according to their availability at locations throughout the JJC District. Advanced training, professional development and instructional and support materials are provided at no charge to volunteers. This program is funded by the Secretary of State Literacy office.

TANF Employment With Retention Project - Provides TANF recipients with employment readiness and retention workshops, job search skills, work skills, community service placement and case-management services. Education, career training and supportive services are available to those who qualify. The TANF Employment program accepts participants by referral through the local DHS office. Interested individuals should contact the JJC DAEL TANF staff at (815) 280-1375 to determine their eligibility for this program. Funding provided by the Illinois Department of Human Services.

Department of Adult Education and Literacy  
Contact Information: JJC City Center Campus
Room 300
214 North Ottawa Street
Joliet, Illinois 60432
Phone: (815) 280-1333  
Fax: (815) 727-1529  
Email: jjcdafs@jjc.edu  
Website: www.jjc.edu/adult-education