2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
INTD 240 - Advanced Space PlanningCredit Hours 3 Lecture: 2 Lab: 2 Course dealing with complex design problems for commercial and large office spaces. Provides students with experience in research development, programming, schematic design development, and problem-solving ability. Sustainable design and barrier free considerations are part of project requirements. Office plan utilizing office systems are discussed. Students are expected to have a thorough understanding of construction documents and building codes. Auto Desktop will be utilized.
Prerequisite: Minimum grade “C” in INTD 118 , INTD 202 , INTD 209 , INTD 225 and INTD 230 . Is course repeatable for credit? No Is this course variable hours? No Mode of Delivery Traditional
Is this a Human Relations/Diversity Course? No