2017-2018 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Nursing (RN), A.A.S.
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Program Code: NU500
The Associate in Applied Science Degree in Nursing is designed for persons who wish to become registered nurses (RNs). The program combines traditional classroom experiences, in-class high-fidelity simulations, and online courses with clinical experiences in health facilities throughout the community.
A student who completes the program is awarded an Associate in Applied Science degree and is eligible to write the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (N.C.L.E.X.) for registration as an RN in Illinois. This program is fully accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), 3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850, Atlanta, GA 30326, (404) 975-5000, www.acenursing.org. Nursing licenses are regulated by the Board of Nursing of the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. The Nursing Licensing Policy can be obtained from their website: http://www.idfpr.com/profs/Nursing.asp.
Nursing Program
The Nursing Education department offers two programs of study in nursing. Students enrolled in NU500: Nursing (RN) earn an Associate in Applied Science degree. Students enrolled in NU060: Nursing (PN) earn a Certificate of Achievement. Students are admitted into the Nursing program in both fall and spring semesters. The following is the admission procedure for the nursing program: - All students must meet the following prerequisites prior to application:
| - High school diploma or GED
- Application to the college
- Placement test or valid ACT scores and required developmental courses in reading, writing and math with a grade of “C” or better or previous college credit in English and/or Math
- TEAS (most recent version) completed at JJC with a minimum composite score of 60
- Must meet residency requirements as defined by Joliet Junior College
- Minimum GPA of 2.0
- Meet with a nursing advisor. Appointment can be scheduled by calling 815-280-2435.
| - Applications for the Nursing program will be accepted by the Admissions office twice a year for the fall and the spring semester. Applications are to be submitted online. The application period for the fall class will be February 1-15. The application period for the spring class will be June 1-15. If a student is not admitted into the program after applying, another application must be submitted for the following application period. No applications will be kept on file after the start of the semester.
- If a student has attended another college(s), transcripts must be submitted for evaluation no later than December 1 for the February application period and April 1 for the June application period. The student must complete the online Transcript Evaluation Form and submit it to the Credentials office.
- The Test of Essential Academic Skills, (TEAS) or the most recent version must be completed in the Academic Skills Center by the last day of the application period (February 15 or June 15). The TEAS evaluates math skills, reading comprehension, and English and science proficiency. The TEAS test is mandatory. Students who score a 76 or above on the TEAS Composite will be guaranteed admission into the nursing program after completion of a nursing application (in February or June). In the event there are more students in the Guaranteed Admission category than available seats, a ranking system will be used.
- For students who score below a 76 on the TEAS Composite, a ranking system will be used to determine admission. Each eligible application will be given a number for anonymity by the Admissions office and all demographic data will be removed. Applications will then be sent to the Nursing Admissions Committee. Applicants will be scored and ranked based on:
- TEAS Composite Score (weighted 55%)
- Calculated GPA based on grades for ENG 101 ; PSYC 101 ; PSYC 215 ; HEAL 109 , BIO 250 ; BIO 251 whether taken at JJC or transferred in. If a class was taken more than once, the most recent grade will be used to calculate the GPA. If a student has “clepped” out of a class (using the College Level Examination Program - CLEP-test), the grade will be counted as a “C”. (weighted 30%)
- Number of pre-requisite/general education classes completed (ENG 101 ; PSYC 101 ; PSYC 215 ; HEAL 109 ; BIO 250 ; BIO 251 ) (weighted 15%)
- Admitting criteria is subject to change. It is the applicant’s responsibility to review the criteria on a regular basis.
- Students will be notified via the JJC email account of their acceptance into the program or denial.
- Upon admission to the Nursing program, all students are required to have on file in the Department of Nursing and Allied Health:
- A current physical examination that includes specified immunizations and laboratory work.
- Verification of successful completion of CPR for Healthcare Providers.
- Current criminal background check and drug screen.
NOTE: Nursing students must achieve a minimum grade of “C” in each of the nursing courses and all of the general education courses before they are eligible for graduation. | Nursing Licensing Policy
In accordance with the Illinois Nursing Act of 2008, the Board of Nursing of the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation may or may not issue a license to practice nursing in Illinois to candidates to whom any of the following apply: 1) conviction by plea of guilty or nolo contendere, finding of guilt, jury verdict, or entry of judgment or by sentencing of any crime, including, but not limited to, convictions, preceding sentences of supervision, conditional discharge, or first offender probation, under the laws of any jurisdiction of the United States: (i) that is a felony; or (ii) that is a misdemeanor, an essential element of which is dishonesty, or that is directly related to the practice of the profession; 2) a pattern of practice or other behavior which demonstrates incapacity or incompetency to practice under the Nurse Practice Act; 3) engaging in dishonorable, unethical or unprofessional conduct of a character likely to deceive, defraud or harm the public; 4) unlawful taking, theft, selling, distributing, or manufacturing of any drug, narcotic, or prescription device; 5) habitual or excessive use or addiction to alcohol, narcotics, stimulants, or another chemical agent or drug that could result in a licensee’s inability to practice with reasonable judgment, skill or safety; 6) being named as a perpetrator in an indicated report by the Department of Children and Family Services and under the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act, and upon proof by clear and convincing evidence that the licensee has caused a child to be an abused child or neglected child as defined in the Abused and Neglected child Reporting Act; 7) have been denied a license, permit or privilege of taking an examination by any licensing authority; 8) have had a license encumbered in any way; 9) attempting to subvert or cheat on a licensing examination; 10) physical illness, including but not limited to deterioration through the aging process or loss of motor skill, mental illness, or disability that results in the inability to practice the profession with reasonable judgment, skill or safety; 11) failure to file a tax return, or to pay the tax, penalty or interest shown in a filed return, or to pay any final assessment of the tax, penalty, or interest as required by a Tax Act administered by the Department of Revenue, until such time that the requirements of the Tax Act are satisfied. Degree Requirements
The Associate in Applied Science degree in nursing is designed for persons who wish to become registered nurses (RNs). The program combines both traditional classroom experience and online courses with clinical experience in health facilities throughout the community. General Education Requirements (Must include the following): 31 Semester Hours
Major Core Requirements: 41 Semester Hours
Total Required Hours: 72 Semester Hours
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