2014-2015 Catalog 
    Dec 28, 2024  
2014-2015 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

BIO 125 - Human Biology

Lecture - Lab - Credit Hours: 3-2-4
IAI Code: L1 904L
A basic introduction to the structure and function of the human body. Includes fundamental biological principles. Major concepts involved in the support, movement, control and maintenance of the body, and the continuance of the species are emphasized. This is a transfer course that fulfills the laboratory science requirement. Appropriate for non-science majors and those students needing a one-semester anatomy/physiology course. Students who are pregnant or may become pregnant during the course of the semester are strongly advised to consult their doctor before enrolling in this course.Prerequisite: COMPASS placement into ENG 101  or minimum grade of “C” in one of the following: ENG 021  and ENG 099  or the EAP course sequence ENG 079  and ENG 089 , or ENG 096 ; and COMPASS placement into MATH 094  or higher or minimum grade “C” in MATH 090 .