2015-2016 Catalog 
    Jan 25, 2025  
2015-2016 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Online Courses


 ACCY 101    Accounting I  FSCI 105    Fire Protection
 ACCY 102    Accounting II  FSCI 106    Fire Apparatus and Equipment
 AGRI 103    Agriculture Economics  FSCI 107    Fire Law
 AGRI 115    Introduction to Microcomputer Skills  FSCI 112    Fire Behavior & Combustion
 ANTH 101    Introduction to Anthropology  FSCI 113    Occupational Safety & Health
 ANTH 275    Cultural Anthropology  FSCI 206    Fire Investigation
 ART 107    Graphic Design I  FSCI 208    Fire Administration Management
 ART 109    Introduction to the Visual Arts  FSCI 212    Fire Management II
 ART 115    Introduction to the Visual Arts  FSCI 213    Building Construction II
 ASTR 101    Descriptive Astronomy  GAME 200    Game Design
 BIO 100    Medical Terminology  GAME 203    Game Production
 BIO 103    Health  GAME 212    Game Development
 BIO 131    Human Structure  GAME 214    Cross-Platform Game
 BIO 146    Environmental Science  GEOG 106    Cultural Geography
 BLAW 101    Business Law I  GSD 110    Career & Lifestyle Planning
 BMAT 101    Business Mathematics  HEAL 109    Principles of Normal Nutrition
 BUS 101    Introduction to Business  HIM 115    Principles of Disease
 BUS 111    Principles of Business Communication  HIST 103    History of the U.S. to 1865
 CA 101    History Fundamentals of Culinary Arts  HIST 104    History of the U.S. 1865 to Present
 CA 103    Menu Planning  HIST 105    History of Civilization I
 CDEV 201    Health, Safety & Nutrition for Children  HIST 106    History of Civilization II
 CDEV 230    Discipline/Classroom Management  HIST 240    History of Latin America
 CHEM 104    Chemistry and Society  HORT 100    Introduction to Horticulture
 CIS 116    Introduction to Internet  HOSP 120    Exploring the Hospitality Industry
 CIS 122    Computer Information Systems  HOSP 233    Management Accounting for the Hospitality Industry
 CIS 126    Microsoft Office  LRES 100    Information in Society
 CIS 130    BASIC Programming  MATH 090    College Arithmetic
 CIS 136    PASCAL Programming  MATH 094    Elementary Algebra
 CIS 145    Fundamentals of Networking  MATH 095    Elementary Geometry
 CIS 158    DOS Plus UNIX Operating Systems  MATH 098    Intermediate Algebra
 CIS 211    Database Management Systems  MATH 123    Math Structures & Concepts I for Teachers
 CIS 213    Electronic Spreadsheet Software  MATH 124    Math Structures & Concepts II for Teachers
 CIS 216    WWW Homepage Authoring  MATH 127    Math for General Education
 CIS 218    Introduction to E-Commerce  MATH 128    Elementary Statistics
 CIS 223    Java Script  MATH 131    College Algebra
 CIS 226    Advanced Microsoft Office  MATH 138    Pre-Calculus I
 CIS 230    Visual Basic  MATH 139    Pre-Calculus II
 CIS 235    Microsoft Office Certification Preparation  MATH 142    Accelerated Trigonometry/Pre-Calculus
 CIS 236    Programming in C  MATH 150    Math Analysis for Business
 CIS 240    Management Information Systems  MATH 153    Finite Mathematics
 CIS 246    Advanced C Using C++  MATH 170    Calculus with Analytical Geometry I
 CIS 250    Systems Analysis and Design  MGMT 101    Principles of Management
 CIS 261    Java Programming  MGMT 102    Human Relations
 CM 230    Construction Contracting and Specifications  MGMT 202    Human Resources Management
 CRJ 100    Introduction to Criminal Justice System  MGMT 220    Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
 CRJ 105    Introduction to Corrections  MKTG 101    Principles of Marketing
 CRJ 110    Introduction to Law Enforcement  MUS 101    Exploration of Music Literature
 CRJ 120    Juvenile Delinquency  MUS 104    Fundamentals of Music
 CRJ 130    Criminal Law  NURS 163    Pharmacology and the Nursing Process
 CRJ 200    Criminology  NURS 164    Concepts in Pediatric Nursing 
 CRJ 205    Evidence and Criminal Procedure  OFS 102    Intermediate Document Formatting
 CRJ 210    Introduction to Research Methods  OFS 103    Advanced Document Formatting
 CRJ 220    U.S. Constitutional Law  OFS 166    Microsoft Word I
 CRJ 225    Criminal Investigation  OFS 167    Microsoft Word II
 CRJ 250    Law Enforcement Organization & Administration  OFS 214    Microsoft Office Suite
 CRJ 270    Contemporary Topics in CRJ  OFS 215    Advanced Microsoft Office
 DMS 113    Sectional Anatomy in Imaging  OFS 225    Administrative Documents
 DMS 120    Sonographic Image Critique  PHIL 101    Introduction to Philosophy
 ECON 103    Principles of Economics I  PHIL 102    History of Philosophy
 ECON 104    Principles of Economics II  PHIL 103    Introduction to Ethics
 EDUC 108    Teaching Language Arts  PSCI 101    American National Government
 EDUC 120    Diversity of Schools  PSYC 101    General Psychology
 EMS 204    Introduction to Emergency Management  PSYC 102    Educational Psychology
 ENG 101    Rhetoric  PSYC 205    Abnormal Psychology
 ENG 102    Rhetoric  PSYC 208    Social Psychology
 ENG 103    American Literature to 1865  PSYC 210    Child & Adolescent Development
 ENG 104    American Literature 1865 to Present  PSYC 215    Life Span: Human Development
 ENG 105    Survey of English Literature  SOC 101    Introduction to Sociology
 ENG 106    Survey of English Literature  SOC 240    Comparative Religion
 ENG 109    Children’s Literature  SOC 270    Marriage and Family
 ENG 120    Creative Writing  SOC 280    Sociology of Social Problems
 ENG 130    Technical Writing & Communication  SOC 290    Cultural Diversity
 ENG 190    Introduction to Film Study  SPCH 101    Principles of Speech
 ENG 220    Non-Western Literature  SPCH 202    Interpersonal Communication
 ENG 250    Introduction to Shakespeare  THEA 101    Introduction to Theater 
 ENG 260    Minority American Literature  TWL 100    Transportation & Physical Distribution
 ENG 270    Introduction to Women Writers  TWL 110    Introduction to Supply Chain Management
 FIN 100    Consumer Economics  TWL 120    Introduction to Import/Export
 FSCI 101    Introduction to Fire Protection  TWL 130    Principles of Operations Management
 FSCI 102    Introduction to Fire Prevention  TWL 140    Transportation  & Cargo Security
 FSCI 103    Building Construction I