2024-2025 Catalog 
    Oct 01, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalog

Academic Policies and Procedures


Grades are available to students at the end of each semester and are entered on their permanent record. Final grade reports are available online through My JJC Portal. Quality points are numerical values that indicate the scholarship level of a letter grade and are accumulated based on the course credits earned. Quality points for each credit hour of the following grades are:

Grade Significance Quality Points
A Excellent 4
B Good 3
C Average 2
D Poor 1
F Failure 0
I Incomplete 0
PR Credit by Proficiency 0
P Pass 0
The grades below indicate a student status as initiated through an administrative process:
W Withdrawal 0
L Audit 0
Note: No credit course may be taken on a pass/fail basis.

Grade Points

Semester grade point averages (GPA) are computed by multiplying the number of credits earned in a subject, times the number of points the letter grade is worth. For example, an “A” in English 101, which carries three credits, equals 12 quality points (“A” = four points); a “B” would result in nine quality points, etc. To determine the GPA, add all the quality points together and divide by the number of credits attempted. If a student has a total of 44 quality points and attempted 14 credit hours, his/her GPA would be 3.14. Grades are issued at the end of the semester and are entered on the student’s permanent record.


A student who wishes to attend a class as an auditor may do so by registering for the class and designating the enrollment as “audit” at the time of registration. Enrollment as an auditor is permitted only after all enrollment of credit has been honored. Full tuition and fees are assessed for auditing. No grade will be assigned, but the course designated as an audit (L) will appear on the student’s permanent record.

A student may change the course from an audit to grade-awarded credit at any time prior to and up to the course midterm date if the following criteria are met:

  • The student will have complied with attendance, class participation, and all other syllabus requirements of the course.
  • The student has completed all assignments, quizzes, exams, and designated coursework at the times required by the instructor.
  • The student presents an instructor-signed add/drop slip to the Registration and Records office prior to the course midterm changing from audit to credit (the form also will require the signature of the registrar); and
  • The student understands that the course cannot be changed back to audit at any time.

Repeating Courses

When a course is repeated, the grade given at the end of the repeated course becomes the official grade. Both grades will remain on the permanent record, but the last grade given is used to compute the GPA. Students are cautioned that some senior colleges/universities average the two grades upon transfer.

Incomplete Grade

An incomplete (I) grade may be given to a student who, because of illness or other unique circumstances, has not been able to complete a course in the prescribed amount of time. A student receiving an “I” grade from an instructor will have eight weeks into the following semester (excluding summer) to complete the work. For students receiving financial aid the “I” grade will be temporarily calculated as an “F” grade until a final grade is assigned. For students who are not receiving financial aid, the “I” grade will not be calculated into the grade point average until a final grade is assigned. If the work is not completed within eight weeks from the assignment of the “I” grade, the “I” grade will be changed to an “F” with the understanding that the instructor has the option of issuing a change of grade at a later date.

A student who requests to complete the coursework must do the following:

  1. Assume the responsibility of contacting the instructor. If the instructor grants the request, the instructor should initiate a “Request to Receive an Incomplete Grade” form. Upon completion of the coursework, the instructor will process a grade change through the Registration and Records office.
  2. If unable to locate the instructor, the student must contact the appropriate department chair.
  3. In the event the department chair and student cannot resolve the matter, the department chair will refer the student to the Final Course Review Committee, which will have 30 days in which to reach a decision. That decision shall be final and binding on all parties.
  4. Granting a request for additional time beyond the eight weeks is at the discretion of the instructor.


The college values regular class attendance as an essential component contributing to the learning process and therefore expects students to attend all class meetings of each course for which they are registered.

The attendance procedure for each instructor is included in the course syllabus distributed by the instructor on the first day of class. Compliance with each instructor’s attendance procedure is the student’s responsibility. An instructor’s attendance procedure may go into effect with the first class meeting of the course. Late registration does not exempt the student from adhering to the attendance requirements in the course syllabus.

In order to comply with state and federal procedures, instructors are required to report every student’s attendance at tenth day of the term and again at mid-term. Instructors are also required to report the last date of attendance or participation for every student that is issued a failing grade at the end of the semester.

Make-up class assignments or assignments that are submitted late due to absence (including an instructor’s decision to award less than full credit for work submitted late) will be handled at the discretion of the instructor in accordance with the course syllabus.

Students not regularly attending class are strongly advised to withdraw officially from the course. Students who do not withdraw officially will receive a grade of “F” for the course, which will become part of the student’s permanent record.

Students who are absent due to prolonged illness or extenuating circumstances must notify their instructor’s immediately to determine the best plan of action appropriate to the situation.

Absences that are medically related should be addressed through the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities, at https://www.jjc.edu/campus-life/office-student-rights-responsibilities. Students should complete the Excused Absence Request Form. If the student is unable to complete their course(s) the should discuss their options of an Incomplete if at the end of the semester, or discuss a General Petition, if eligible.

Academic Standards of Progress Procedure

The JJC Academic Standards of Progress procedure is designed to help students clearly understand what constitutes good academic standing and academic progress, while offering assistance setting appropriate academic goals and connecting students with resources to help them achieve academic success.

Academic Standing Categories
Students who fall below good academic standing will be identified into progressive categories as follows:

Category 1: Academic Caution
Category 2: Academic Probation
Category 3: Academic Suspension
Category 4: Academic Dismissal

Grade point average requirements for academic standing categories:

Credit hours earned Minimum GPA
  (To be in good academic standing)
0-12 1.75 cumulative or 2.0 semester
13-32 1.85 cumulative or 2.0 semester
33-48 1.95 cumulative or 2.0 semester
49 and above 2.0 cumulative or semester
Category Actions Recommended or Required of Students 
Category 1: Caution Recommended - limit the number of credit hours enrolled and seek resources to enhance academic progress.
Category 2: Probation Required - Schedule appointment for probation intervention group session through the Counseling office. Consider limitation on the number of credit hours enrolled.
Category 3: Suspension Not able to enroll for one semester. Required - meet with an adviser prior to re-enrollment.
Category 4: Dismissal Not able to enroll for one year. Required - meet with an adviser prior to re-enrollment.

The interventions prescribed must result in academic progress demonstrated by improved GPA. In some cases, and at the discretion of the counselor or academic program adviser, the summer semester can be utilized to demonstrate academic progress.

Academic Standards Appeal Process

Students who have been suspended or dismissed for not meeting the appropriate grade point average requirements, may appeal to the Academic Standards of Progress Appeal Committee.

The Appeal Committee shall review appeal requests on a case-by-case basis. Students who choose to appeal must submit documentation to support extenuating circumstances that resulted in failure to meet the appropriate grade point average requirement. Examples of extenuating circumstances include but are not limited to death in the family, prolonged hospitalization or serious illness, and personal crisis (such as divorce or illness of family members).

Following the notification of suspension or dismissal, a student wishing to appeal must complete and submit an academic standards appeal form and include appropriate documentation of reason for appeal by the deadline identified in their notification letter. The Dean of Student Success (or designated administrator/staff) will serve as the facilitator to coordinate the appeals committee and process. The Appeal Committee will review all appeal documentation submitted in a reasonable time frame. It is the goal of the committee to render decisions prior to the start of each semester. In extenuating circumstances, the committee may ask the student to attend a meeting in support of making a final decision.

Students will be notified of their status by the Dean of Student Success. The decision of the Appeal Committee is final.

For more information on the Academic Standards of Progress, visit jjc.edu > Student Resources > Academic Standards of Progress.

Student Grade Appeal Procedure

The student has a right to a final course grade review if he/she feels the instructor’s criteria for determining the final course grade has not been fairly or accurately applied in the calculation of the final course grade.

Students should use the following procedure:

Step 1: The student shall confer with the instructor if there is a question concerning the calculation of a final course grade given by the instructor. If the instructor is unavailable within a three-week period (excluding when classes are not in session), the student may pursue the appeal unilaterally by contacting the appropriate Department Chair (see Step 2). If there is no resolution after the student has conferred with the instructor, the student and instructor will complete the Final Grade Appeal Form and submit it to the Department Chair. If the Department Chair is the instructor and there is no resolution, then the student would proceed with the Step 2 meeting additionally with the Dean.

Step 2: By the end of the sixth week (excluding when classes are not in session) following the issuance of the grade in question, the student shall contact the Department Chair and present to the Department Chair a completed Final Grade Appeals Form. If the Department Chair is unavailable or was the instructor who issued the grade, the student should contact the appropriate Academic Dean. The Department Chair will schedule and conduct a meeting with the student, the instructor, and the Academic Dean. At the meeting the student shall present documentation to support his or her appeal. The instructor will have an opportunity to address the concerns presented by the student. At the end of the meeting, the student and instructor will be excused, and the Department Chair and the Academic Dean will confer and render a decision. Within five (5) school days, a summary of the findings will be sent to the instructor and the student. If all three parties (instructor, Department Chair, Academic Dean) concur in the recommendation, the appeal procedure is exhausted and the grade will stand or be changed, as recommended.

Step 3: Step 3 provides that in the event that an agreement is not reached following the procedures in Step 2, the matter will be referred immediately to a committee composed of five full-time faculty members. The faculty committee shall schedule a hearing to be conducted in the same manner as the meeting described in Step 2. The decision of the committee shall be made by majority vote within thirty days after the hearing. The decision of the committee shall be final and binding on all parties.

Academic Achievement

Honor Rolls

Lists of those full- and part-time students recognized for their academic achievement will be published following the end of each semester. The list can be found at jjc.edu > Getting Started > Admissions > Honors Program > Honor Rolls. Following are the varying levels of achievement and recognition:

  • The Roll of Excellence - Recognizes full- and part-time students who attain the highest level of excellence in their academic studies by completing six or more credit hours during the semester and earning a semester GPA of 3.75-4.0.
  • The Roll of Honor - Recognizes full- and part-time students who achieve superior grades in their studies by completing six or more credit hours during the semester and earning a semester GPA of 3.50-3.74.
  • The Roll of Merit- Recognizes full- and part-time students who achieve above average grades in their studies by completing six or more credit hours during the semester and earning a semester GPA of 3.0-3.49.

Honors Program

JJC’s Honors program supports the intellectual, professional, and prosocial aspirations of its high-achieving student members. The program offers students a number of important benefits; just a few of which include: Honors-only course sections taught by trained and highly engaged faculty; Honors colloquia, in which students gain exposure to ideas and skills necessary for college success; and Honors fora and symposia (lectures, presentations, and discussion sessions led by Honors students and faculty). Moreover, throughout their academic journey at JJC, Honors students receive support and assistance with academic advising, scholarship funding, and transfer counseling from the Honors Program Coordinators. Upon completion of all Honors program and college requirements, Honors students are recognized for their achievements on their transcripts and at graduation. For more information, contact the Honors Program staff at honors@jjc.com

Honor Societies

National honor societies are clubs that recognize special achievement and/or accomplishments within a particular program of study.

Alpha Delta Nu

Alpha Delta Nu is the national honor society for nursing students who have demonstrated academic excellence in associate degree nursing programs in. Admission is by invitation only.

Delta Psi Omega

Delta Psi Omega is the national collegiate honor society for those involved in theatre in two-year colleges. Once inducted into a chapter at a two-year college, membership is carried over into Alpha Psi Omega, the national theatre honor society of four-year colleges. DPO recognizes a combination of academic achievement, stage performance, and production. The Joliet Junior College chapter has been chartered since 1973.  Admission is by invitation only.

Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Theta Kappa, is the national honor society of two-year colleges. The PTK mission is to recognize and encourage academic achievement. To be eligible for membership, students must have completed 12 hours of 100 level or higher course work at JJC that may be applied to an associate degree and have a grade point average of 3.5. Eligible students will receive an invitation to join PTK from the Alpha Lambda Phi Chapter. For more information, please visit the website at jjc.edu > Getting Started > Admissions > Honors Program > Alpha Lambda Phi Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa.


SALUTE is the national honor society for colleges and universities that recognize student veterans for their academic success.

Student Publications


JJC’s official student newspaper covers news, features, sports, and major events for the college community while providing a forum for student opinion.  All students are welcome to participate.  The newspaper offers practical experience in journalism, which can lead to a paid position on staff.  Contact Blazer adviser Bob Marcink at (815) 280-2607, rmarcink@jjc.edu or blazermail@jjc.edu.

Study Abroad

Study abroad opportunities are offered at the college and Illinois Consortium for International Studies and Programs (ICISP) levels.

Japan Study Abroad program (3 weeks in length) is offered annually during May-June and is open to all JJC students who meet eligibility requirements (minimum 6 JJC credit hours and minimum 2.5 GPA). Course offerings vary. Visit jjc.edu > Academics > Study Abroad > Learn More About Study Abroad to learn more.

Costa Rica Field Study program is offered during spring break as part of the Enviornmental Biology (BOI 146) course. Contact professors Brian Moskalik (brian.moskalik@jjc.edu) and Cheryl Heeneman (cheenema@jjc.edu) for more information about the program and course section.

Veterinary Medical Technology program offers a week-long study abroad program in Guatemala during spring break. Participation is limited to students enrolled in VetTech program. Additional program specific requirements apply. Contact Prof. Eileen McKee emckee@jjc.edu for more information.

JJC is partnering with American College in Thessaloniki (ACT), Greece to offer semester and summer study abroad opportunities. ACT offers a wide selection of classes in STEM, computer information systems, business, social sciences, humanities and other disciplines. All classes are taught in English. Students must receive approval of JJC International Education Coordinator (StudyAbroad@jjc.edu) before applying to ACT.

Through membership in Illinois Consortium for International Studies and Programs (ICISP), JJC offers a number of short (summer) and semester-long programs. Currently, semester study abroad programs are offered in Austria, England, Ireland, and Spain; summer programs are offered in Austria, Canada, France, Ireland, Ghana, and Spain. To be eligible, students must have completed at least 12 hours of college credit courses, including English 101 and must have a minimum GPA of 2.5.

Scholarship funding is available through JJC Scholarships and/or Financial Aid. Limited scholarships are also available through ICISP (http://icisp.org/scholarships/).

For more information about any of these programs, please contact the International Education Coordinator at studyabroad@jjc.edu.

Credit without Attending Formal Classes

In all cases of alternative methods for awarding credit (except for independent study) credit awarded is limited to active courses and students will have to meet the credit hour residency number required for the degree and/or certificate to which the credits are applied.

Advanced Placement

Advanced placement can be attained by taking examinations in the Advanced Placement program sponsored by the College Board. The results of these tests form the basis for awarding college credit to those students who have passed one or more tests with satisfactory grades. Students who have taken these examinations should request that their official scores be sent to the Academic Credentials Specialist in the Registration and Records office.


The College Level Examination Program* can be used by students to earn credit by examination toward the IAI General Education Core Curriculum at JJC. The following guidelines apply:

There are several different CLEP exams for which students may be awarded up to six semester hours of credit in each area passed. Credit also may be awarded in certain specific courses pending attainment of the minimum score required.

*The CLEP tests are administered through Testing Services. For more information, call (815) 280-2261, visit jjc.edu > Student Resources > Testing Services > Tests Administered > CLEP.

Students who have taken these examinations should request that their official scores be sent to the academic credentials specialist in the Registration and Records office.

Direct Evaluation of Credentials

In some cases, the college will award course credit for relevant credentials, licenses, or certifications. It is recommended that interested students contact the appropriate academic department chairperson for additional information. A credit authorization form must be forwarded to the academic credentials analyst in the Registration and Records office.

Military Service

Credit for four semester hours of physical education and three semester hours of

  - Health is awarded for military service experience to former members of any of the branches of the armed services who served honorably on active duty for one year or more upon submission of a copy of DD Form 214 (or other evidence of honorable discharge) to the Financial Aid/Veterans office. Members of the armed services still on active duty will be given credit subject to verification of the completion of one tour of duty. Veterans who have been discharged for medical reasons will be evaluated on an individual basis.

A former member of the armed services also may receive credit for college level general or subject matter tests taken under the jurisdiction of the United States Armed Forces Institute. An official copy of the test scores and ratings must be submitted to the academic credentials specialist in the Records office. As many as six semester hours of credit may be awarded for each general test (English, humanities, natural sciences, mathematics and social science) in equated college-level courses. Credit may be awarded for each subject matter test as equated to a corresponding college-level course.

Joliet Junior College participates fully in SO CAD. Military service members coming to JJC via this program should consult with the registrar.

Military schooling experience will be evaluated by the Academic Credentials Specialist in the Records Office and equated with equivalent college courses. A proficiency examination may be required by an academic dean to determine if knowledge or skills are sufficient to award credit.

Proficiency Examination

Proficiency examinations for advanced standing are offered in some course areas of the college. They may be taken only by students currently enrolled at Joliet Junior College.

The examinees must show that they are eligible to take the examination because they have knowledge or experience which justifies some expectation of proficiency. Approval must be obtained by the department chair. In some cases, the approval of the appropriate dean may be required. In no case may a student take a proficiency examination subsequent to participating in a course for which the proficiency examination is requested except upon recommendation of the instructor during the first two weeks of the class.

Applications for proficiency examinations may be obtained from the appropriate department chair. There is a nominal fee for each examination.

Independent Study

Independent study is designed to allow students to pursue, for credit, subject areas of interest outside of the existing college course structure. In certain instances, independent study may be used to complete the requirements for a regularly offered course. A maximum of four credit hours of course work with an INDS 199 prefix can be applied to a degree or certificate. Self-Instructional Language Program courses may not be taken as independent study.


Graduation Requirements

The student has the ultimate responsibility to fulfill the requirements for the degree he/she is pursuing, to check eligibility, to take courses, and to abide by the academic rules governing the program. The advisor’s role is to assist the student in making important decisions. Students should check with their Advisor to ensure all graduation requirements have been met.

The requirements for graduation at Joliet Junior College are those specified in the official college catalog at the time a student enrolls. Unless a student interrupts his/her enrollment for more than three consecutive years, he/she may elect to abide by the graduation requirements specified in any later catalog. If the student does interrupt his/her enrollment by more than three years, he/she will be subject to the requirements stated in the current catalog at the time of initial re-enrollment. Again, a student may elect to abide by the graduation requirements set forth in any subsequent catalog.

To be awarded an associate degree at Joliet Junior College, each student must meet the following requirements:

1. Satisfy all admission requirements.
2. Complete the courses required to earn the given degree. If the student is a transfer student with coursework taken elsewhere, he/she must complete a minimum of 60 credit hours of which 15 credit hours applicable to the degree are earned at JJC. Proficiency test, CLEP, and Advanced Placement do not meet this requirement.
3. Earn a cumulative grade-point-average of at least 2.0. A cumulative grade-point-average of at least 2.75 is required for the SS220 Human Services Generalist Associate in Applied Science degree.
4. Discharge all financial obligations to the College; have no restrictions.
5. File an application for graduation. (An application should be filed at the time of registration for the student’s anticipated last semester.)
6. Have all official transcripts from other colleges/universities on file in the Graduation Office by the graduation application filing date for evaluation of credit. A delay in the process
may result in a later graduation date.

To be awarded a certificate of achievement, certificate of completion, or occupational certificate at Joliet Junior College, each student must meet the following requirements:

  1. Satisfy all admission requirements.
  2. Complete the courses required to earn the chosen certificate.  Complete a minimum of 1-8 credit hours (Occupational Certificate, 9-29 credit hours (Certificate of Completion) or 30-50 credit hours (Certificate of Achievement).  If the student is a transfer student with coursework taken elsewhere, he/she must complete a minimum of 25% of the total required credit hours applicable to the certificate at Joliet Junior College.  Proficiency test, CLEP and Advanced Placement do not meet this requirement.
  3. Earn a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 in the area of concentration.
  4. Discharge all financial obligations to the college; have no restrictions.
  5. File an application for graduation (An application should be filled at the time of registration for the student’s anticipated last semester).
  6. Have all transcripts from other colleges/universities to be applied toward the certificate on file in the Graduation office by the graduation application filing date all transcripts from other colleges/universities that are to be evaluated for credit, to be applied toward a certificate. A delay in the process may result in a later graduation date.

Commencement Ceremony

The Commencement Ceremony will be held every year in May. Prospective Spring and Summer graduates will participate in the ceremony as well as students who graduated in the previous Fall and Summer semesters. Please visit www.jjc.edu/graduation for Commencement Ceremony Information. Students may contact the Graduation Office at graduationoffice@jjc.edu with further questions.

Scholastic Review

The opportunity for scholastic review will be afforded to those students who want to complete an application for graduation, but whose grade point average is below the minimum required to receive a degree. Such students shall be eligible to submit an application to the registrar, located in the Registration and Records office (Campus Center, room 1020) requesting review of their scholastic records. For graduation purposes, this review allows courses that are not required for the degree or certificate sought to be excluded from the calculation of the grade point average. The scholastic review application should be submitted by an Advisor simultaneously with registering for classes and applying for graduation. Courses excluded for this purpose remain on the official transcript and are calculated in the overall grade point average earned at Joliet Junior College.