2024-2025 Catalog 
    Feb 14, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog

Admissions Policies and Procedures



Admissions Policy

Joliet Junior College maintains an open-door admissions policy; applicants are eligible for admission if they are one of the following:

  1. High school graduates or those with a high school equivalency (GED, HiSET, or TASC) certificate
  2. Applicants who have completed a home-school course of study. (These students will need to furnish the following documentation in support of their admission application.)
  • A transcript listing the courses taken while engaged in home study.
  • The grades for the courses attempted and completed.
  • Attendance records for the period covered during the home study program.
  • An explanation of the grading scale employed for the home study program.

The above information should be prepared and certified by the individual who administered the principal instruction or the administrator in charge of the home school program. The above information is consistent with transcripts compiled by private schools in the state of Illinois. Home schooling is considered by Illinois law to be consistent with private school education.

  • Anyone 18 years of age and older or transfer students from other colleges and universities who meet one of the above criteria.

In addition, the following categories of students may be admitted with the approval of the Director of Admissions and Academic Affairs:

  • High school students 16 years of age who obtain prior approval from the high school in which they are currently enrolled.
  • Young adults 16 years of age who have severed all connections with the high school district in which they are a legal resident.
  • Students less than 16 years of age in a gifted or accelerated program who obtain prior approval from their high school district and from Illinois Community College District 525.

Additional information regarding early-entry enrollment may be obtained from jjc.edu> Getting Started > Admissions > High School Students > Early Entry.

All students must fill out an application. Admission to the college does NOT guarantee entrance into a particular course or program of study. The college reserves the right to establish selective admissions procedures and to give preference to residents of Illinois Community College District 525.

Students who intend to pursue a B.A. or B.S. degree at a state university in Illinois must meet minimum admission requirements as set forth in Illinois Public Act 86-0954. Students who meet these requirements based on their high school record and/or based on the placement tests in the case of English/mathematics will be admitted as baccalaureate candidates.

The specific requirements that students must meet based on their high school record are as follows:

  1. At least 15 units of high school coursework from the following five categories:
    1. Four (4) years of English (emphasizing written and oral communications and literature);
    2. Three (3) years of social studies (emphasizing history and government);
    3. Three (3) years of mathematics (introductory through advanced algebra, geometry, trigonometry or fundamentals of computer programming);
    4. Three (3) years of science (laboratory sciences); and
    5. Two (2) years of electives in foreign language, music, vocational education or art.
  2. Up to three of the 15 units of coursework required may be distributed by deducting no more than one unit each from the categories of social studies, mathematics, sciences and electives and completing those three units in any of the five categories.

Getting Started at JJC

Visit jjc.edu > Getting Started > Admitted Students for a full list of steps with active links.

Step 1: Submit an application for admission and other required credentials

Step 2: Look up your MyJJC username and create your password.

  • MyJJC is where students view information that pertains to them including class schedule, important dates and deadlines, ad so much more. Your account is created 24 - 72 hours after applying to JJC.

Step 3: Complete the New Student Presentation located in MyJJC (requires JJC username and password) so you can learn how to become a successful JJC student.

Step 4: Submit your most current official high school transcript or equivalency record (GED, HiSET, or TASC). 

  • Please contact your high school and have transcripts sent to the Admissions Office (1215 Houbolt Rd, Joliet IL, 60431 or admissions@jjc.edu). If you are still in high school, a current copy of your transcript will be accepted. These must be on file for appropriate math and science placement. 
  • Proof of high school graduation or equivalency may be required for some selective admissions programs and for financial aid eligibility.
  • Joliet Junior College accepts home school or high school transcripts from entities that are state or regionally accredited.  For more information, please see the attached PDF.
  • Note to students with foreign transcripts: To prove U.S. high school equivalency, you must have your foreign transcript evaluated. JJC accepts and evaluates foreign transcripts from independent and private foreign educational credential services in the US that are members of the National Association of Credentials Evaluation Services (NACES) www.naces.org. Evaluations of High School credentials only can be general evaluations. Evaluations reports submitted to JJC must be in English. In lieu of an evaluation, students may submit official transcripts showing they passed the U.S. high school equivalency (GED, HiSET, or TASC).

Step 5: Did you earn credit from another college or university?

Step 6: Complete placement testing and/or submit your eligible scores to the Admissions Office. 

  • All new degree-seeking students, or those planning to take a course with placement prerequisites, must take the JJC placement exam or have an alternate testing measure on file with the college. 
  • ACT and SAT scores must be submitted directly from the testing company. Visit jjc.edu > Student Resources > Testing Services > Placement Testing for additional information regarding JJC placement exams. 
  • The Joliet Junior College Placement Exams are offered at the following locations: Main Campus (A-1138 in Campus Center), Romeoville Campus (RMA-1039), and City Center Campus (room JCTR-6002). See “Placement Testing Information”.
  • Students who submit current, eligible ACT, GED, HiSET, SAT, or TASC scores may waive the Placement Test. Please call (815) 280-2261 to learn more.
  • Students can also use high school GPA for placement and may need to take a placement test. All official high school transcripts must be sent to the Office of Admissions for evaluation. Visit jjc.edu/placement for details on using high school GPA for English and math placement.
  • The placement tests are all untimed, the accommodation of having extended time is not necessary. If you feel you may need additional accommodations on the placement test, please contact Disability Services at 815-280-2230 or disabilityservices@jjc.edu to discuss what accommodations are needed.

Step 7: Review Cost and Payment options. Also, consider applying for Financial Aid and Scholarships.

  • You are responsible for payment of tuition and fees by due date after registering for classes.
  • To avoid the risk of being dropped from classes for non-payment, students must pay in full or enroll in the college’s automatic, online tuition payment plan by their due date.
  • Financial aid applicants must have completed the FAFSA application and demonstrated eligibility to be awarded prior to their tuition due date. If the amount of the financial award does not cover the balance due, students must either pay the difference in full or enroll in the college’s automatic, online tuition payment plan by their tuition due date.

Step 8: Now you are ready to sign up for classes!

  • Remember to sign up for an Advising Session (requires MyJJC username and password) Here you will meet with an Advisor to plan and register for your first semester schedule. 
  • JJC offers accommodation to students with verified disabilities. Students needing accommodation should contact Disability Services as soon as possible. For further information please call (815) 280-2230 or visit the office in Campus Center room A-1125.

Pay tuition and fees by their tuition due date

  • To avoid the risk of being dropped from classes for non-payment, students must pay in full or enroll in the college’s automatic, online tuition payment plan by their due date.
  • Financial aid applicants must have completed the FAFSA application and demonstrated eligibility to be awarded prior to their tuition due date. If the amount of the financial award does not cover the balance due, students must either pay the difference in full or enroll in the college’s automatic, online tuition payment plan by their tuition due date.

Placement Testing Information

All new degree-seeking students, or those planning to take a course with placement prerequisites, must take the JJC placement exam or have an alternative testing measure on file with the college. 

Important Information about Placement Testing

What to Bring or Not to Bring?

  • Students must bring a valid photo ID for all Placement Testing. 
  • Cell phones and electronics are not allowed in the testing center.
  • The ALEKS math exam will provide an on-screen calculator when appropriate. Use of calculators not provided by the ALEKS placement exam is prohibited.

What if I already took other placement tests?

  • Students with qualifying and valid alternate placement measures such as ACT, SAT, PSAT, High School GPA, or transition courses may not need to take a placement test. Please visit jjc.edu/placement for a full list of acceptable placement measures. 

How long are my test scores valid?

  • Reading and Writing Placement Scores expire after 48 months.
  • Math Placement Scores expire after 24 months.


Retaking the Placement Testing

Retakes are available remotely (by appointment) or at the Main Campus, Romeoville Campus, and City Center Campus. There are no retake fees.

English Retakes

  • Two attempts at English testing (Reading and Writing test) are permitted each semester if a student has NOT already begun the respective English course sequence (i.e., reading and writing).
  • Students are eligible for a third testing attempt only after completing an English course within their course sequence or successful completion of Accuplacer remediation through JJC’s Tutoring and Learning Center. 

Math Retakes 

  • Students may retake the math exam even after beginning their sequence. A mandatory 3 hours must be completed in the ALEKS Prep and Learning modules before math testing attempts 3, 4, and 5.


Placement Testing Locations and Contact Information

To obtain information regarding test dates, times and locations; or to schedule an appointment:


Remote Placement Exams

Submit a request form at jjc.edu/placement

Main Campus Testing Services

(815) 280-2261

Romeoville Campus Testing Services

(815) 280-7785 or (815) 280-7786

City Center Campus Testing Services

(815) 280-1301 or (815) 280-1302

  • Placement testing is offered on a walk-in basis in Testing Services at Main Campus (A-1138 in Campus Center), Romeoville Campus (RMA-1039), and City Center Campus (JCTR-6002) OR remotely (by appointment).

How do I schedule a testing appointment?

  • Visit jjc.edu/placement for the most up-to-date information on scheduling a testing appointment, campus availability and hours, alternate placement measures such as ACT, SAT, PSAT, or High School GPA, testing polices and guidelines such as what is not allowed in the testing centers and more.

How long is the test?

  • Placement tests are untimed. Testing times may vary depending on sections taken.

What if I need some exam preparation or review? 

What if I need test accommodations?

  • The Placement Test is an untimed, computerized test. Students with verified disabilities who need test accommodations beyond extended time should contact Disability Services at (815) 280-2230.

Important information for students enrolled in prerequisite courses for English or mathematics: 

Initial placement is based on Placement Testing Scores. Note to students registered for future semester(s): Once final grades are in, those who have not earned a “C” or better grade in prerequisite English writing or mathematics courses must drop the higher-level course. The English writing sequence is ENG 098, ENG 099, and then ENG 101. The reading sequence is ENG 020, ENG 021, and then ENG 101. The English writing and reading sequence for students who place in both ENG 099 and ENG 021 is ENG 096, and then ENG 101.


English for Academic Purposes (EAP)

The English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program aims to prepare non-native speakers of English with the academic skills and strategies integral to their success in future undergraduate and graduate studies. Students looking to take an EAP reading course within the ENG 070 sequence or EAP writing course within the ENG 080 sequence will need to take the Accuplacer ESL Reading Skills and WritePlacer ESL tests. Please visit the Center for Multicultural Access and Success at Main Campus A-1108 or by calling (815) 280-6680 for more information about the EAP program and support.


English Placement for Students Transferring to JJC

Students who have completed the equivalent of ENG 101 at another college with a grade of “C” or better may enroll in ENG 102 or any literature course. Courses with an IAI (Illinois Articulation Initiative) number of CI 900 are equivalent. Courses from private and out-of-state institutions must be evaluated individually by the department chair or through the transcript evaluation process. Students must submit proof of the prerequisite course to the instructor at the first class meeting. Qualifying reading and writing placement test results from another institution may also be accepted if they are proctored and valid (unexpired). Effective September 1, 2013, Placement Testing scores will only be accepted if they are less than four years old. Official Placement Testing Score Reports should be sent directly to Testing Services in room A-1138 (Campus Center) at Main Campus.

Math Placement for Students Transferring to JJC

Students that have completed a college math course at another institution with a grade of “C” or better can email unofficial transcripts to the Math Placement Specialist at cajackso@jjc.edu to register for subsequent math courses. Qualifying Math placement test results from another institution may also be accepted if they are proctored and valid (unexpired). Official Math Placement Testing Score Reports should be sent directly to Testing Services in room A-1138 (Campus Center) at Main Campus.

My JJC Portal and Student Information Kiosks

Serving as the portal for all online resources available at Joliet Junior College, the My JJC Porta(jjc.edu > MyJJC) provides students access to their academic records, such as student profiles, grades, unofficial transcripts, course schedules, payment of tuition and fees, good driver discount, verification of enrollment, and academic summaries. Students also have access to online registration and financial aid information via Student Self Service and can apply for job-training grant vouchers.

Students can access the MyJJC Portal from any Internet capable computer or can utilize special kiosks on campus. These kiosks are located in the Campus Center, J-Building, Library, D-Concourse, and T-Building. 

Check out MyJJC, your one-stop shop for:

  • Focused communications
  • Class schedule
  • Registration
  • Grades
  • Financial aid
  • Paying your tuition and fees

New Students with Earned College Credit

  • Submit an official high school/high school equivalency (GED, HiSET, or TASC) to the JJC Admissions Office at Main Campus room A-1020.
  • Note to students with foreign transcripts: To prove U.S. high school equivalency, you must have your foreign transcript evaluated. JJC only accepts World Education Services (WES) www.wes.org or Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE) www.ece.org evaluations for review. Please have your evaluation translated into English – can be general evaluation. In lieu of an evaluation, students may submit official transcripts showing they passed the U.S. /high school equivalency test (GED, HiSET, or TASC).
  • Request official transcripts from the college(s) previously attended and send to: Joliet Junior College, Academic Credentials office, 1215 Houbolt Road, Joliet, IL 60431-8938 or to transfercredit@jjc.edu.
    • To prove college/university equivalency: Have your college level international transcript evaluated by a National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) www.naces.org/members.html approved organization such as Education Credentials Evaluators (ECE) or World Education Services (WES).  JJC only accepts “course-by-course” evaluations. 

Determining course placement

  • If a student plans to take an English, math, or world language course, or a course requiring a prerequisite, he or she must submit a valid alternate placement measure, or take the placement test prior to enrollment. See Placement Testing information.
  • Eligible ACT, GED, HiSET, TASC, and SAT scores or official and qualifying high school GPA may be used if they are current (less than four years old). Official testing reports should be sent directly to the Admissions Department in room A-1020 (Campus Center) at Main Campus.
  • Placement tests results from another institution may also be accepted if they are current.  Accuplacer scores will only be accepted if they are less than four years old.  ALEKS scores must be less than two years old. Official Placement Testing Reports should be sent directly to Testing Services in room A-1138 (Campus Center) at Main Campus.

Any student who wishes to have transcripts from other colleges/universities evaluated for credit at JJC must submit an official transcript from each college/university attended. All transcripts must be received directly from the previous institution or their third-party transcript provider to be considered official. To ensure an evaluation is performed, the student must complete a Transfer Credit evaluation request form available on the Registration and Records website under the Transfer Credit Evaluation link at jjc.edu > Student Resources > Registrar > Transfer Credit Evaluation. Upon completion of the evaluation, credits will be posted to the student’s academic record. Upon request, copies of the evaluation can be made available to a JJC faculty adviser with whom the student may be involved in educational planning. Questions concerning the evaluation may be addressed to the academic credentials specialist in the Registration and Records office. Transfer transcripts will be held for 60 days pending receipt of a completed transcript evaluation request form in the Credentials office.

Credits may be granted according to the following conditions:

  • The collegiate institution previously attended must be a regionally accredited institution awarding college credit.
  • Credit may be transferred to JJC for courses earning credit and successfully completed with a grade of “D” or above if the student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA) is 2.0 or above (“C” average) at the previously attended institution. However, certain JJC courses require students to have achieved a “C” or better in prerequisite coursework to enroll. The student’s work at each institution is evaluated independently if several institutions were attended. Credits accepted by Joliet Junior College are not necessarily applicable to all degrees. If the student’s cumulative GPA is less than 2.0 at a previously attended institution, credit may be transferred for courses earning credit and successfully completed with grade of “C” or above.
  • Credit may be transferred, but the grades earned at other institutions are not transferred nor are the grades included in computing GPA at JJC. (Exception are the special admissions programs that may consider the grade earned in a transfer course towards the admissions requirements.) Only the number of credit hours accepted will be posted to the student’s academic record.
  • Credit may be transferred to JJC for courses at the 300 level as electives and if the course is equivalent to a general education course it will be treated as an out of state course.
  • JJC stamps the GECC statement on all official transcripts for students that have met IAI GECC requirements.
  • Credit may be awarded for advanced placements exams and CLEP exams. The results of these tests form the basis for awarding college credit to those students who have passed one or more tests with satisfactory grades. Students who have taken these examinations should request that their official scores be sent to the academic credentials specialist in the Registration and Records office.
  • In some cases, the college will award course credit for relevant credentials, licenses, or certifications. It is recommended that interested students contact the appropriate academic department chairperson for additional information. A credit authorization form must be forwarded to the Registration and Records office.
  • Credit for four semester hours of physical education and three semester hours of BIO 103, Health is awarded for military service experience to former members of any of the branches of the armed services who served honorably on active duty for one year or more upon submission of a copy of DD Form 214 (or other evidence of honorable discharge) to the Veterans Resource office.
  • JJC accepts and evaluates military transcripts from Joint Services. Students with military credits through Joint Services should request that their official Joint Services Transcript be sent to the academic credentials specialist in the Registration and Records Office.
  • JJC accepts and evaluates foreign transcripts from independent and private foreign educational credential services in the US that are members of the National Association of Credentials Evaluation Services (NACES) www.naces.org/members.html. JJC only accepts “course-by-course” evaluations.

Reverse Transfer

In recent years, a new form of transfer has emerged, and it is proving highly successful at giving students a second chance to earn their first college degree. 

Reverse transfer is a process for awarding an associate of arts degree to students who transfer from a two-year to a four-year institution prior to completing the AA degree requirements at the two-year institution.  

Reverse transfer students can combine credits they earn at their four-year school with those they had previously earned at community college and retroactively be awarded an associate degree. For more information email transfercredit@jjc.edu. 


Requirements for proof of residency

Student residency classification will be in accordance with the provisions of the Illinois Community College Act and the administrative rules of the Illinois Community College Board. Joliet Junior College will establish procedures in accordance with the same to implement this policy.

A person shall be considered an in-district-resident student and be charged in-district tuition and fees who:

  1. Has attained his or her full majority (age 18 or married) and resides in Illinois Community College District 525 for at least 30 days prior to the start of the term or
  2. Lives with his or her parents or legal guardian in Illinois Community College District 525, who lives in-district for at least 30 days prior to the start of the term or
  3. Is an emancipated minor* and resides in Illinois Community College District 525 for a least 30 days prior to the start of the term or
  4. Is a non-citizen applicant who lives in-district of Illinois Community College District 525 for at least 30 days prior to the start of the term and resides in the district for reasons other than attending Joliet Junior College.

Students occupying a dwelling in the state or district who fail to meet the 30 day residency requirement may not become residents simply by attending classes at a community college for 30 days or more. 

*An emancipated minor is an individual who has been determined by a court in their state or legal residence to be an emancipated minor.

A student’s legal and permanent place of residence determines the amount of tuition paid to Joliet Junior College. An in-district resident is a person whose residence is within Joliet Junior College District 525 or one whose intent is to establish permanent residence in District 525. Residence is defined as the place where the student lives and is considered the student’s permanent home. The residence must be owned or occupied for a minimum of 30 days prior to the start of the term.

Students who move from outside the state, who obtain residency for other than going to college, and demonstrate verifiable interest in permanent residency, shall be exempt from the 30 day requirement.

Students who are currently under the legal guardianship of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services or have been recently emancipated from the Department and had a placement change into a new community college district shall be exempt from the 30-day requirement if they demonstrate proof of current in-district residency.  Documentation of current residency may be submitted to the district from the student, caseworker or other personnel of the Department, or the student’s attorney or guardian ad litem.

Students shall not be classified as residents of the district, even though they may have met the general 30-day residency provision, if they are:

1)    Federal job corps workers stationed in the district;
2)    Inmates of state or federal correctional/ rehabilitation institutions located in the district;
3)    Full-time students attending a post-secondary educational institution in the district who have not demonstrated, through documentation, a verifiable interest in establishing permanent residency;
4)    Students attending under the provisions of a chargeback or contractual agreement with another community college.

Any student who lives outside the Joliet Junior College District but who is a resident of the State of Illinois will be considered an out-of-District student. Students shall be classified as residents of the State without meeting the general 30-day residency provision if they are:

1)    Federal job corps workers stationed in Illinois;
2)    Members of the armed services stationed in Illinois;
3)    Inmates of state or federal correctional or rehabilitation institutions located in Illinois
4)    Employed full-time in Illinois

Receiving VA Benefits or Has Active Duty Status

Students utilizing any of the following VA benefits may have out-of-district tuition charges waived for applicable terms: the federal Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 or any subsequent variations of that Act; the federal All-Volunteer Force Educational Assistance Program; or any assistance as described in 38 U.S.C. 3679(c). The out-of-district charges are waived automatically upon qualifying for education benefits for veterans.

Students who are on active duty, the board shall deem that person an in-district resident for tuition purposes. may have out-of-district tuition charges waived for applicable terms. Students must provide a copy of the military orders to the Admissions Office.

Resident status is determined during the processing of a student’s application for admissions and is subject to further review and/or revision by the director of admissions and recruitment or designated staff. Factors used in residency determination may include current address, length of time at that address, high school attended, and date of graduation. The applicant is responsible for furnishing information, evidence, or documents deemed necessary to accurately determine residency guidelines and a list of possible proofs of residence.

Evidence of Residency for New Students

Evidence of legal residency is based on two things:

  • Ownership and/or occupancy of a home/residence in district (shown by a deed, lease, or formal rent receipt with lessor’s name indicated) and
  • At least one of the following showing the same address: 
  • A current Illinois driver’s license or Illinois state identification card
  • A current Illinois automobile license registration
  • A current Illinois voter’s registration card
  • Employment in the state of Illinois (for out-of-state residents)
  • Payment of Illinois income taxes (for out-of-state residents)
  • A document showing the student’s past or existing status as a district student (e.g. a high school transcript)
  • A utility bill in the name of the student
  • A proof of automobile insurance
  • A proof of homeowner’s insurance
  • A current credit card billing statement
  • A current bank statement
  • A change of address form from the post office

Each of these proofs must show an in-district address. A post office box number for an address will NOT prove residency.

If you are a renter, you must submit either a rent receipt or lease signed by the owner/manager (dated at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the term). If applicable, you must complete the Residency Status Change Request Form  and submit both proofs of residency to the JJC Admissions Office (A-1020) within 10 business days of the beginning of the term.

If you are an out-of-state applicant and you fail to submit the required proofs by the stated deadline, you will be charged out-of-state tuition. Students who demonstrate to 30-day, in-state, but not in-district residency, will be charged Illinois out-of-district tuition.

Should you prove in-district residency and then later move from that address without providing a forwarding address to JJC, you will have your address returned to the original address from the application and in-district status will be reviewed.

Chargeback or Cooperative Agreement

Are you attending JJC only because your home community college doesn’t offer the program you want to study? If so, you can apply for a Chargeback or Cooperative Agreement at your local community college. This may allow you to attend JJC at an in-district tuition rate.

Employment in the District

Persons who are not residents of District 525 but who are employed full time (35 hours per week) in the district are eligible for in-district tuition and fees. To qualify, a letter must be on file in the Admissions office each semester prior to the student’s registration. This letter must be written on company stationery and must be signed by either the owner/manager or the director of human resources.

Fraudulent submission of records regarding residency will result in remaining in an out-of-district status and be reported as a violation of the Joliet Junior College Code of Conduct.


Any student who is a resident of another state will be considered an out-of-state student and will be charged the rate established by the Board of Trustees. 


Any student who is a resident of a foreign country will be considered an out-of-country student and will be charged the established out of state rate established by the Board of Trustees.

Persons without United States Citizenship

To be eligible for residency as a non-citizen, an applicant must have permanent resident status with the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service and must meet and comply with all the other applicable requirements and regulations. All students on F-1 visas and those who do not have a legal permanent residence, or F-1 student visa status, are required to pay out-of-state tuition.

Senior Citizens

District 525 residents 65 years of age and older may enroll, tuition free, in college credit or general interest courses. Senior citizens will be required to pay for all other mandatory fees associated with the course(s). The Student Accounts & Payments office must be informed of senior status each semester when making payments.

Special Admissions

Selective Admissions


There are many JJC programs that have competitive or restrictive admissions processes. Competitive admission programs are Nursing, Radiologic Technology, CNA, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Orthotics and Prosthetics Technology, Operations Engineering, Operations Engineering Technician, and Veterinary Technology. Restrictive admission is required for particular programs whereas the student must be employed in the particular field to be enrolled. Restrictive admission programs are Process Instrumentation Technology and Process Operations Technology. The application processes for some programs are listed under “special admissions” at jjc.edu> Getting Started > Admissions > Health and Occupational Science Students. Proof of high school graduation or equivalency may be required for some selective admissions programs and for financial aid eligibility

For further information, contact JJC’s admissions office at (815) 280-2493.

Early Entry Students

Students 17 years or younger who still attend an accredited high school or those students who are pursuing high school-level curriculum through home schooling or other means may be considered for enrollment in credit courses. Students must complete an application for admission, an early-entry enrollment form containing the written consent of their high school principal or counselor, and meet the prerequisites for the credit course, including any required Placement Testing and/or acceptable ACT or SAT scores or qualifying alternate placement measures.

High school students younger than 16 who wish to be admitted to a college credit course must complete an application for admission, an early-entry enrollment form containing the written consent of their high school principal or counselor, and meet the prerequisites for the credit course, including any required Placement Testing and/or acceptable ACT or SAT scores or qualifying alternate placement measures. Additionally, these students must obtain approval from the course instructor, the department chair, and the appropriate dean.

High school students are required to meet the same standards as all other college students and are awarded the same college credit for courses successfully completed. These credits will appear on the students’ permanent college transcripts regardless of the grades earned. For more information, visit jjc.edu> Getting Started > Admissions > High School Students > Early Entry.

Dual Credit

This program allows students from participating high schools and career centers to earn both high school and college credit upon the successful completion of dual-credit courses. These classes are a part of the student’s regular high school schedule and are taught at the high school by a qualified high school instructor. Grades appear on the student’s permanent college transcript as a college course and credits are transferable to most state colleges.

To enroll in Dual Credit Courses students must:

  • Enroll in the appropriate high school course
  • Complete the JJC Dual Credit online application
  • Meet the prerequisites for the credit course, including any required Placement Testing and/or acceptable ACT or SAT scores, or qualifying alternate placement measures prior to the course start date.
  • Complete the JJC class registration process with the high school dual-credit instructor

For more information, contact the Office of Dual Credit at (815) 280-6927 or Office of Dual Credit at jjc.edu > Getting Started > Admissions > Dual Credit.

Out-of-State Students Taking Online (Distance Education) Courses

JJC has been approved by the state of Illinois to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements. NC-SARA is a voluntary, regional approach to state oversight of postsecondary distance education. Participation allows JJC to accept out-of-state students from states also participating in SARA. For further information, including a listing of participating states, please visit jjc.edu > Academics (click on Academics) > iCampus > Online Learning at JJC.

Military Students

Eligible active-duty service members, veterans, and their dependents will be charged in-state tuition and fee amounts in accordance with all applicable state and federal regulations and guidance. Eligibility is defined by the regulating agency.

International Students

International students must provide the following documentation to International Student Services for admission and a Form I-20 from JJC:

  1. Submit a completed international student application.
  2. Provide proof of English proficiency as outlined on the International Admissions website, jjc.edu> Getting Started > Admissions > International Students.
  3. Provide official high school or high school equivalency and college transcripts and credentials.
    • To prove U.S. High School equivalency: Students to provide official credentials in a sealed envelope from their high school / secondary education institution along with an English translation. JJC reserves the right to request additional documentation, for example an evaluation by an educational credential service that is a member of the National Association of Credentials Evaluation Services (NACES) www.naces.org.
    • To prove college / university equivalency: Have your college level international transcript evaluated. JJC only accepts “Course-by-Course” credential evaluations conducted by a NACES approved organization such as Education Credential Evaluators (ECE) or World Education Services (WES). 
  4. Submit a clear photocopy of passport. Passports must be valid for at least six months in the future.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure all documents are sent to International Student Services prior to the deadline* for the semester desired.

Fall Semester (August - December)

June 1

July 1

Spring Semester (January - May)

November 1

December 1

Summer Semester (May - August)

March 1

April 1

*While admission applications are accepted at any time during the year, these are recommended deadlines to allow students enough time to obtain the necessary visa or register for classes




Once a student has submitted all the necessary documents for admission and a letter of admission has been issued, the following documents must be provided to International Student Services before an I-20 can be issued for purposes of obtaining an F-1 student visa:

  1. Evidence of Financial Support, for at least one academic year, as outlined on the International Admissions page: jjc.edu> Getting Started > Admissions > International Students.
  2. An Affidavit of Support form, available for download from the International Admissions page: jjc.edu> Getting Started > Admissions > International Students.
  3. A copy of the student’s passport in addition to copies of the passports for any additional dependents.

Note: The Department of Homeland Security’s SEVIS database receives all information concerning your application and documentation sent to JJC for a Form I-20.

For tuition rates, access the international student admissions website at jjc.edu> Getting Started > Admissions > International Students. International students pay the out-of-state tuition rate per credit hour. Joliet Junior College is authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant students. 

Transcript Requests

Transcripts can be requested online through Parchment Transcripts Ordering Services, jjc.edu > Student Resources > Registrar > JJC Transcripts, or in person, providing all their financial obligations/holds are fulfilled. There is a charge for each transcript requested. 

The student is responsible to ensure grades are in, degrees/certificates are posted prior to ordering transcripts. If grades or degrees/certificates have NOT been posted when placing the order, the student is responsible for checking “hold for grades” or “hold for degree” on the request form. Refunds/resends are not given because grades or degree/certificates have not been posted to the academic record when placing the transcript order.

When requesting records prior to 1976, the Records Office needs 72 hours to locate the appropriate microfilm and process the transcript.

For any questions or concerns please contact the Transcripts office at transcriptsinfo@jjc.edu.

Guest Student

If you are enrolled at another college or university and want to take classes at JJC for the Semester in order to transfer them back to your primary institution, you are considered a guest student. To enroll simply complete these steps: 

  • Complete a JJC application.
    • Under “Educational Goals” select “I only plan to complete one or several courses.”
    • Under “Select a Degree/Certificate” select “Non-Degree Seeking”.
    • Obtain your JJC username and password, which will allow you to access your JJC e-mail account.
  • If the course(s) you want to take have prerequisites that you have met at your primary institution, you can obtain permission to override the prerequisites by sending an email to gueststudents@jjc.edu that includes the following:
    • Your Name
    • Your JJC Student ID
    • The course name, the course number and the section number for all classes in which you plan to enroll
    • Attach an unofficial transcript to the email.
  • Within two business days, you will be contacted by a JJC representative letting you know if the prerequisite has been met. If so, a waiver will be entered into the system, and you will then be able to register online.
  • Register for classes

Please note that it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the classes they are taking at JJC meet the requirements at their home institution.  JJC makes no guarantees in this regard.   Also note that guest students are not eligible for financial aid at JJC.

Speak to your university and/or college advisor to find out about transfer guidelines for your program to ensure the transferability of JJC coursework at your school or Check Transferology to determine if a course will transfer to your home institution. Transferology is a free nationwide, web-based transfer information system that provides you with fast and accurate course and transfer information. Your university advisor can also provide you with the most up-to-date information.  

Acceptance of Transfer Credit

Any student who wishes to have transcripts from other colleges/universities evaluated for credit at JJC must submit an official transcript from each college/university attended.  All transcripts must be received directly from the previous institution or their third-party transcript provider to be considered official. To ensure an evaluation is performed, the student must complete a transcript credit evaluation request form available on the Registrar’s website under Additional Information at Transfer Evaluation Form, jjc.edu > Student Resources > Registrar > Transfer Credit Evaluation.

Upon request, copies of the evaluation can be made available to a JJC faculty adviser or counselor with whom the student may be involved in educational planning. Questions concerning the evaluation may be addressed to the credentials specialist  in the Registration and Records office at Transfercredit@jjc.edu.

Credits may be granted according to the following conditions:

  • The collegiate institution previously attended must be a regionally accredited institution awarding college credit.
  • Credit may be transferred to JJC for courses earning credit and successfully completed with a grade of “D” or above if the student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA) is 2.0 or above (“C” average) at the previously attended institution. However, certain JJC courses require students to have achieved a “C” or better in prerequisite coursework to enroll. The student’s work at each institution is evaluated independently if several institutions were attended. Credits accepted by Joliet Junior College are not necessarily applicable to all degrees. If the student’s cumulative GPA is less than 2.0 at a previously attended institution, credit may be transferred for courses earning credit and successfully completed with a grade of “C” or above.
  • Credit may be transferred, but the grades earned at other institutions are not transferred nor are the grades included in computing the GPA at JJC. Only the number of credit hours accepted will be posted to the student’s academic record.