Corrections and Additions to the 2024-2025 Joliet Junior College Catalog
CADD 101 - prerequisite of MATH 095 removed effective with summer/fall 2024 registration
PSCI 202 - accepted by IAI for the General Education Core Curriculum S5 906N
NA 120 - added concurrent prerequisite of NA 123
NA 123 - added prior to or concurrent prerequisite of NA 120
NA 122 - added concurrent prerequisite of NA 125
NA 125 - added prior to or concurrent prerequiste of NA 122
BIO 251 - BIO 250 must be taken prior with minimum grade C.
SS600 Paralegal Studies, AAS - correction to Math/Science general education requirement. New requirement allows any course from Group IV: Math/Science. Added BLAW 101 and BLAW 102 to elective options.
FS175 Emergency Medical Services, AAS - Add FSCI 120 and FSCI 121 to list of electives.
FS300 Fire Science and EMS, AAS - Add FSCI 120 and FSCI 121 to list of electives.
TE770 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning: missing MFG as a departmental elective. Added MFG to Major Core Electives.
AG500 Veterinary Medical Technology - updated general education - student is required to take ENG 101 or may substitute ENG 102.
CIS 135 Introduction to Computer Programming added to Additional Science and Related category for the AS degree.
ANTH 215 accepted for IAI 10/20/24. IAI code S1 903.
Respiratory Care program minimum GPA corrected. Should be 2.0.
ARCH 100, ARCH 110, ARCH 120, and ARCH 130 added to the list of Transfer Electives for the AA/AS degrees.
CA430 Meeting and Special Events Planning, Major Core Electives should say THEA 104 (not THEA 102).
Substitution added to TE142 Operations Technician, AAS
SS510 Law Enforcement AAS - Duplicate courses, LENF 200 and LENF211, removed from Major Core Electives; they remain Major Core Requirements.